Title: Love So Sweet
Pairing: Juntoshi (Side pairings: Sakuraiba, Akame)
Rating: PG 13 overall
Summary: Just how much could a dream change your life?
Akanishi dragged Kamenashi through the hospital straight into room 73, stopping dead when he saw the bandage on Ohno’s neck. Kazuya ran into the shocked idol’s back, rubbing his nose and muttering, “What was that for?”
Jin gulped. “Oh-chan?”
Ohno looked up from his sketchbook and set his pencil down. “Hey, Jin-kun, Kame-chan.” Then, seeing the look on Jin’s face, sighed. “You remember, huh?”
Kazuya shoved his boyfriend further into the room and towards Ohno’s bed. “Ohno-kun, will you please explain what’s going on? This guy’s been acting weird since he woke up from a nap at the studio this morning, babbling about checking on you.”
“Him too?” Nino finally spoke up from his bed, setting down the game system that he’d been glued to since waking up.
Kazuya raised an eyebrow at the comment. Ohno waved the singers over and smiled, “Jin-kun, it was just a dream, so stop looking so spooked. But do I have a story to tell you.”
By the time Ohno finished his narration with a lot of input from his roommate, both of their young kouhai were looking fairly freaked out.
Jun was staring.
His jaw had even dropped open unconsciously.
This is just...This is impossible.
Ohno set down his fishing book on the coffee table, looking curiously over his shoulder into the kitchen at his boyfriend. “Jun?”
Matsumoto jerked to life and snapped his mouth shut.
When Ohno padded over to his side, he wordlessly handed him the letter he’d received with the package that had come moments before.
Satoshi skimmed it in silence, frowning a little at its contents. “Your great grandpa passed away?”
Jun nodded, still staring into the package on the kitchen counter. “We… weren’t really all that close though.”
Ohno cocked his head to the side. “So you’re surprised that he included you in his will?”
“It’s not that… it’s this.” Jun carefully reached into the small box and pulled out its precious cargo, handing it to Ohno.
The smaller man inhaled sharply. “Is this…?” he trailed off, clearly in as much shock as Jun had been earlier.
Matsumoto smiled weakly. “The letter says it was passed down in my family for almost five hundred years. Then Matsu-jiji died last month and he left it to me.”
Satoshi turned the violet tea cup over in his hands with care, examining the ornately designed tiger that was carved into its side. Ohno felt a chill run up his spine.
It was, without a doubt, the same cup they remembered seeing in their shared dream.
“Do you have them?”
“Sakurai, I’m going to punch you if you ask that question again.”
Jun couldn’t stop a small chuckle from escaping at Nino’s exasperation.
But really, Sho had every reason to be nervous. After all, he was getting married today.
Arashi’s five members were in Hawaii again, thirteen years after their debut, having wrangled a joint trip out of the management with the promise to do some photo shoots at the same time. Of course their real reason for the mini vacation was to undertake Aiba’s grand scheme of a double wedding.
Three weeks ago, Jun and Ohno had been floored by the amount of detail Aiba had already finished arranging when he’d spread his plan nervously out in front of them. Ohno had looked to his lover with a smirk. “You did say you’d rather have a small wedding with the guys.” Jun had laughed and leaned over to ruffle Aiba’s hair.
Their miracle man had looked extremely relieved, but he’d still bit his lip. “There’s just one thing.” He’d swallowed a sip of his coffee with difficulty. “I haven’t asked Sho yet.”
The couple had rolled their eyes and immediately began plotting a proposal worthy of Aiba Masaki that evening.
Two weeks ago, once Sho had gotten over the initial shock of an exploding package of rose petals and Aiba in a classy suit holding a sign that said "Marry me", he’d answered with a deep kiss and a husky ‘yes’.
Now, they all stood around in their white suits under the warm Hawaiian sun, (looking every bit like the handsome idols they were.) The church Aiba had chosen stood to their right as the idols looked up at the beautiful white building with stained glass windows.
Nino, both couple’s best man, had been charged with holding on to their wedding rings, the reason for Sho’s anxiety. Every time the rapper asked, Nino paused for a second, patted his pocket self consciously, and then sniped at Sho for making him doubt himself.
Aiba was chattering away a mile a minute, on the edge of hyperventilating, even though no one was really listening. Sho was stuck in the loop of straightening his suit, then Aiba’s, then his again. Tapping a foot, Jun was struggling not to copy the newscaster. Even Ohno looked strangely alert for once.
The gamer rolled his eyes at everyone’s jumpiness, but Jun had just told him, “You’ll understand when you get married.”
At the appointed time, Jun hooked his arm in Ohno’s, leading their friends to the great white doors. He leaned down, kissed the shorter man on the cheek, and whispered, “Ready?”
The sleepy man smiled up at him. “Absolutely.”
And with that, they pushed the chapel doors open.
Author’s Note:
Thank you to everyone for your support. Until next time. >_<