Title: Evangeline Characters: Kate/ Jack Summary: A random little piece because I am trying for some fluff, set during the three years off the island. Title and lyrics are from Emmylou Harris’s “Evangeline”
Title: Four Characters: Jack, Kate with some Hurley and Sawyer Summary: The night they spent on the beach after The Candidate AN: I hate this one, but I had to get it out of my system to be able to move to the next one (which apparently I cannot write until I get my new laptop. I love my OCDness). And as per usual, written at work while the boss looms
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Title: Sterile Characters: Jack. Jack/Kate Summary: Drabble. Set during the 3 years the O6 were off island. Jack realizes just how cold the hospital actually is.
Title: Sleep Spent Characters: Kate, Kate/Jack Summary: Short drabble. Post The End. I swear I try to write happy stuff and it turns out angsty. I cannot control it. It is a sickness, really.
Title: Bullets and Prophets Rating: T Characters: Jack/Kate Summary: This is not our war but we have been chosen to fight it. It is our blood that has been spilled on the jungle floor, our blood that seeps into the island soil and our friends who lay six feet under. AN: Ok… so this is based on an Arabic song called Ijtah (Invade) for Oumeima al
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Title: Alphabet Soup II (Part 8/8) Characters: Jack/Kate Summary: A series of drabbles. Jack/Kate. Post The End. Set in the Afterlife-verse AN: First, I am sorry for all the typos in the last chapter. No real excuse for that. Second, *sniff* last chapter. Thank you so much to all who read and all those who reviewed. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Oh, and
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Title: Alphabet Soup II (Part 6/8) Characters: Kate, Jack, Kate/Jack Summary: A series of drabbles. Jack/Kate. Post The End. Set in the Afterlife-verse
Title: Alphabet Soup II (Part 5/8) Characters: Kate, Jack, Kate/Jack Summary: A series of drabbles. Jack/Kate. Post The End. Set in the Afterlife-verse
Title: Alphabet Soup II (Part 4/8) Characters: Kate, Jack, Kate/Jack Summary: A series of drabbles. Jack/Kate. Post The End. Set in the Afterlife-verse