Personality Disorders

Feb 09, 2006 09:08

DisorderRatingParanoid Disorder:LowSchizoid Disorder:LowSchizotypal Disorder:HighAntisocial Disorder:ModerateBorderline Disorder:ModerateHistrionic Disorder:HighNarcissistic Disorder:ModerateAvoidant Disorder:HighDependent Disorder:Very HighObsessive-Compulsive Disorder:High
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-- Personality Disorders --

So, yes, I am gullible because I trust too much, hence the low Paranoia.
And, yes, I am overdependent on others, feeling that I am nobody without them in my life that I become sacrifically others-centered.
And, yes, I am weird and some people just don't notice it. Or maybe they do...
Haha, histrionic, kulang ako sa pansin... sobra! Since I depend so much on others.
Yes, I am avoidant, an escapist who would rather back away than solve life's obstacles. Beware the noose.
OC from the start. I want stuff to be always or near perfect. A high standard for a sense of achievement.
I'm surprised though that there's no such thing as depression in the personality disorders. Haha
That would've been a VERY HIGH. XD
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