Okay! The Real Gilligan's Island. LOL! I was keeping tabs for that new show that I won't be able to watch as I don't get the station for it (DAMN!!!) but they are going to have two sets of contestants pretending to be the cast of characters from Gilligan's island. All I can say is that the guy they got for the Professor, the 36 year old with 4 degrees, HE'S HOT! Damn it, brains and a body! Lol, the other professor is like over 60 years old O_o?? You can see who I'll be cheering for!!! I'm so bad. Although, he strikes me as fancying the other sex ;_;, I could be wrong, but sniff. Why are all the good and good looking guys either gay or taken?
Okay, now while I try to recover from that... I'm seriously debating if I should ask my sister's friend to tape the episodes for me (she volunteered, but I don't know.). I want to see if the premsis for the show is any good and if it's worth watching for. It looks interesting, but... looks can also be deceiving.
Although, and I laugh at my guesswork. I thought that one of the Gingers they were using seemed too "fleshy"... that she seemed to be more geared for that other "film" work. You know the XXX. Turns out, she was in playboy... so my guessing wasn't that far off. (There's nothing bad in this, just that I find it amusing that I was close to the mark).
It's interesting that the Howell's are played by "younger" couples. Both are in the range for 35-45 of years... don't get me wrong, I guess that might have been the age the real actors were playing at, but to me... they're just toooooooo young. Lol. As to the Mary-Anns, too... WAY too thin. One them has the face for it, the other doesn't. One has the body for it, the other doesn't. Can't win. The Skippers look the part, but one of them has a Santa effect going for him... I keep thinking "GIVE ME PRESENTS!" lol! The Gilligans are okay too, though one of them has to lose the glasses. Contacts! I'm just being picky, they all look really nice overall. *Still drooling on the Professor though!*