Not much to say today. My head still hurts. Cheerios doesnt wash her hands after she uses the bathroom. Itachi is positively gay. and Destiny.
Thats about it.
I stole this from
hakudoushi [a]ge: 21
[b]estfriends: Rachel, Lisa
[c]hoice of meat: Steak
[d]ream date: Umm... I've never really thought about it that much.
[e]xciting adventure: Hmmmmm... I don't think i've ever had an adventure... I used the wander around the woods with my cousins a lot when i was younger. That was always fun.
[f]avorite food: pizza, salmon, bread of most any kind
[g]reatest accomplishment: You know? I don't think i've really accomplished that much in life thats great...
[h]appiest day of your life: Graduating high school.
[i]nterests: Chemistry, Japanese culture and language, psychology.
[j]ello: I HATE JELLO.
[k]ool aid: AND KOOLAID
[l]ove: ...its destiny! *smacks head*
[m]ost valued: my friends, my mother and brothers. I love them more than anything else in the world.
[n]ame: Renee Lynn
[o]utfit you wore to school today: Jeans, inuyasha t-shirt, sandals
[p]izza topping: pepperoni, and lots of it
[q]uestion most asked: What the shit is this?
[r]adio station: 97.1
[s]port: I LOVE to watch tennis
[t]elevision show: Simpsons, south park, family guy, whose line is it anyway and most any gameshow
[u]r favorite song: thats a tough one...
[w]here you live: Baltimoire
[x]pert at: HAHAHAHA no
[y]ear born: 1983
[z]odiac sign: Aquarius