Title: "Who's Your Lucky Card?"
Characters: Haruhi, Ranka
Pairing: none
Word Count: 2,850
Rating: PG
Summary: Ranka is worried that Haruhi is growing up too fast. To make an effort to spend more time with her, he invites her to attend a concert. But she declines, saying that she’s not interested in it at all. Or is she?
Notes: Kinda OOC and AU-ish
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Comments 6
Mostly because I just cosplayed for freshman admit day. As Renge. Ho ho ho ho!
*Loves Ika*
Oranges are to Apples, as Chocolate is to...what the crap?
I'm confused...
But yay! Renge! How many incoming freshman did you manage to scare/frighten/weird out meet? (Icon!) XDD
And thankies very much for the help on AIM when I just randomly popped questions at you. ^____^;;;
Unless the love I felt for your fic burned me...it is a possibility.
Many freshmen were confused. Awesomely.
And you're very welcome. I'm always up for random hypotheticals.
I was actually worried that this fic would be below par... Which parts did you like? XDD
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