Foto abum

Apr 07, 2003 23:45

Not all evrywun is in. I have lossa cousins an stuff

Daddy and Mama family first

Dadee at his piaano. :) :)

Dadeees tatoos is a dolfin anna hart

Mama has tatttoos too. Wenn am I old enufh to get one?

Maeglinn went on thhe raydio!

Uncal Coorfin is Da-eee's favret bruther.

Hee has a vary iportaat hat.

His wife is antie Emeldiir. She iss verypretty. :)

Uncle Maydros ahaha :) :)

Auntiee Artanis and babie cousin Fingie Fe-fe!

Iss Uncel Maglor inna war?

This is the girl who sometimes with Maglor shes from Rohan like mum an her names Elfhild. :D

Carranfthir issreeding noos.

Unco Amwas i fhink but is harrd somtimes to telapart him an Amwod.

Unco Amwod painted a pikter.

I liek Tergon he is nice! :D

This iss Finngon painting. :)

Finn-gol-fin gav me toy nife for lern to stab things!! :D :D

Now now Rohan Mum Famaly!

Mum has nice dress.

Misster Mundee! He's still ascaerd of me I think. :(

Tissis all brothersister Eomerr! o.o

Lothyy has DAM COOL HAT!

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