fantasy AND chick-lit novels, not fantasies of chick-lit novels, or chick-lit fantasies or or...ummm
dont tell me you dont like a novel now and then where the woman (or the man - do you know there's apparantly a genre called lad lit?) is an oh-so-perfect successful professional hip with all the new lingo and the fashions and always finds the one true cute love at the end. :p
Comments 3
I miss ya.
dont tell me you dont like a novel now and then where the woman (or the man - do you know there's apparantly a genre called lad lit?) is an oh-so-perfect successful professional hip with all the new lingo and the fashions and always finds the one true cute love at the end. :p
:p :p
--And I read those all the time... shhdon'ttell. But, you read them too? Often, perhaps? Either way, it's tres exciting.
NOTUH! Ladlit? That's amazing.
Want to hear a funny pick up line? Okay, here goes: "If you and I were a fraction, we'd be improper." /badline :D
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