I had never seen this issue before either! I saw the thumbnail on the latest H issue, and thought "what what what? H with Ohno on the cover??" but it said it was sold out D: And then, the next day, I found it in a store that sells second hand magazines. Fate <3 Ohno-san is, indeed, quite creative and very good at it; it's nice to see more of his exhibition (especially all the preparation and organization of the event) :3
Anyway, thanks a lot for commenting, I hope you'll enjoy the scans :)
Comments 165
I have never seen this one before. It's about Oh-chan's art, ne ^^ He's reallygood at this type of stuff. I really like to see his artowrk more :)
I had never seen this issue before either! I saw the thumbnail on the latest H issue, and thought "what what what? H with Ohno on the cover??" but it said it was sold out D: And then, the next day, I found it in a store that sells second hand magazines. Fate <3
Ohno-san is, indeed, quite creative and very good at it; it's nice to see more of his exhibition (especially all the preparation and organization of the event) :3
Anyway, thanks a lot for commenting, I hope you'll enjoy the scans :)
It would be nice if Oh-chan has another Exhibition again, ne ^^
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