Character Information
Canon Source: Final Fantasy XII
Canon Format: Video game
Character's Name: Vanille (Oerba Dia). As a side note, Dia is the family/clan name, while Oerba is the name of the village she comes from.
Character's Age: 19
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A
What form will your character's NV take? A pink Blackberry Pearl
Character's Canon Abilities: Vanille specializes in long-range magical attacks, healing and sabotaging enemies (i.e. with status ailments). Having little physical strength, she attacks from a distance with elemental spells (fire-based, iced-based, water-based, lightning-based, etc) or spells which will weaken an enemy in some way, such as by lowering his defenses or poisoning him. She can cast healing spells for quick recovery from injuries.
At this point in canon, Vanille has developed to the highest level of her spells. As a Ravager (attack magic user) she learns Firaga and Blizzaga while her other elemental spells (Thundara, Aerora and Watera) stay at the next level down. As a Saboteur she specializes in status ailments such as Deshell (lowering magical resistance), Deprotect (lowering physical resistance) and Poison, and her special ability is Death (instantly kills an enemy or inflicts heavy magical damage). As a Medic Vanille learns up the highest level of the Cure spell as well as Raise (revives a party member) and Esuna (removes status ailments).
Her Eidolon Hecatoncheir can be summoned in battle and becomes a two-legged mecha which Vanille rides on, with four machine guns. Like Vanille, the Eidolon attacks at a distance, but his attacks are physical instead of magical (except for one elemental ability, Quake). He specializes in dealing massive damage to multiple enemies with attacks that make use of his many guns. Eidolons are powerful creatures which come to l'Cie in their worst moments of despair; while many people think that they come to give a miserable l'Cie the death it longs for, Vanille and her friends figure out that an Eidolon's purpose is more to give a (rather harsh) kick to a l'Cie's system, to snap them out of their depression and make them prove to themselves that they are capable of and desire to survive. Once a l'Cie proves this the Eidolon becomes their ally.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? N/A
Weapons: Vanille uses a type of weapon called a Binding Rod, a staff-like weapon with a pronged head, which not only enhances her magic but is capable of casting out wires that latch on to and damage an enemy (like a fishing rod).
Character History: Very detailed character history and summary of Vanille's role in FFXIII can be found through this link to the FF Wiki: Point in Canon: Vanille is taken from the end of the game, shortly before confronting the fal'Cie Orphan on Cocoon. Having traveled to Gran Pulse and Vanille and Fang's home village of Oerba, the party decides that they must go back to Cocoon and confront Orphan in an attempt to reverse their l'Cie status and save Cocoon. This is in opposition to their Focus, which is to fight Orphan and destroy Cocoon to summon the Maker, the god of the fal'Cie. Like her friends, Vanille is determined that Cocoon must be saved and protected. As monsters from Gran Pulse invade Cocoon, Vanille and the others make their way through the chaos to Orphan's Cradle in the heart of the city for the final confrontation.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A
Character Personality: Imagine all the little sisters of the world and you might get an idea of Vanille's primary characteristics: like many younger sisters she is childish, playful, cheery and dependent on family and family ties, whether by blood or adoption. If you were meeting her for the first time, you might find that you had an immediate new friend--she's not only extremely sociable and friendly, but she has enough good-natured intrusiveness to immediately worm her way into your business. This is exactly what she does in canon, being the first person to not so much make friends with the other main characters as to fit herself into their lives where she perceives she is needed or wanted: with Hope, for example, she adopts the role of big sister, pushing him around to keep him alive, trying to keep his spirits up, and encouraging him to confront Snow about his role in Hope's mother's death. With Sazh, she easily becomes something of an adopted daughter to him, helping to fill the place vacated by the disappearance of Sazh's son Dajh--rather ironically, considering that Vanille is essentially responsible for Dajh's being branded a l'Cie and taken from Sazh.
Which brings us to some more of Vanille's traits: her tendencies to hide painful truths and avoid ugly confrontations. To understand her it must be understood that Vanille comes from Gran Pulse, a place so feared that people of Cocoon consider exile there to be a death sentence. Even the natives speak of it as a land in which the weak are culled and only the strong survive. It isn't that Vanille lacks strength or courage--she manages to stay enormously cheerful even in the face of monstrous battles--but the reasons for her dependence on family and her avoidance of emotional problems become clearer when you consider where she comes from. Her sunny facade is a defense mechanism, hiding the painful truths she doesn't want to confront or bring into the open. She tries to keep herself and others safe, imagining she is protecting them, but of course it inevitably blows up in her face: as with Sazh, who literally contemplates killing himself over her betrayal, or with Fang, whose regard Vanille so fears losing after Fang realizes she's been lying to her that Vanille's Eidolon appears during their confrontation--an extremely powerful entity summoned by a l'Cie's deepest moments of despair.
Needless to say, Vanille's dishonesty doesn't help her or anyone else. She's beginning to learn this lesson after the incidents with Sazh and Fang, though of course old habits die hard, and Vanille's is instilled into her from a lifetime of hardship. Yet despite what she's been through, her indomitable spirit remains, and guides her through life with a smile. Even from her worst errors or moments of despair, she has the ability to bounce back with the same determined optimism as always.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans: Initially Vanille will be very unsettled about her appearance in the city, desperately worried about the friends she left behind on Cocoon and what fate they and Cocoon may have suffered, and concerned about her l'Cie brand, which she knows will grow and eventually turn her into a monster called a Cie'th if she doesn't complete her Focus (or find a way to remove the brand, which is what she was committed to doing at the point she is taken from in canon). Eventually, though, she'll realize that her l'Cie brand has stopped growing in Siren's Pull, as though the countdown to completing her Focus has been paused, and will settle into life in the city, though not without thinking and worrying often over her friends. She'll be happy to see Sazh and should have little trouble making other friends, being a very friendly and sociable person.
Appearance/PB: Vanille is a short and pretty girl with an abundant reserve of smiles. Her hair is a pinkish-reddish (strawberry blonde?) color, and she wears it done up in a pair of curling pigtails. Her clothes have a tribal sort of theme, consisting of a pink top which bares her midriff, a colorful beaded collar/necklace piece, a fur skirt and furry boots. Her l'Cie brand is located on her thigh. Pic: Writing Samples
First Person Sample [video post. The camera tilts toward Vanille's face as though held above and at an angle. She has strawberry-colored hair and a bright smile]
Hel-lo! Can anyone hear me! This is a nifty little device, isn't it? And it was so nice of that man to give it to me. And money too! Do you always give money to people? I know he said I'd have to get a job but it really seems very generous!
Oh, yes, I'm Vanille, and I suppose I'm new? I don't actually remember how I got here but that nice man said most people don't. How odd! Also, I was with some people and I'd really like to find them again, and the man said I could ask on the NV in case anyone's seen them. Let's see... [she ticks off names on her fingers as she talks] There's a tall kind of scary girl named Fang, and another scary girl called Lightning, and Sazh is an old man with a bird in his hair, and Hope is a bit of a small kid, and Snow is really big! That's all of them, and if you've seen anyone like that I'd be really, really grateful if you'd let me know. Thanks!
Third Person Sample "I really have to insist," Vanille said in reasonable tones, hands planted matter-of-factly on her hips, "that you stop this right now. We've only just met and I don't think I'd like to become better acquainted."
The monster paid no attention, only continued advancing at its staggering gait, with a soft dragged-out moan that made the hairs on the nape of her neck stand on end. It reminded Vanille of a Cie'th, vaguely human in shape but mindless and twisted of limb, and obviously focused only on doing something to her that was sure to be horribly unpleasant. Yet she couldn't help wincing in sympathy as she looked at it; for all she knew it was a Cie'th, which was a rather sad reminder of the mark on her thigh of the Pulse Fal'Cie. The last she remembered, she had been on Cocoon with the rest of her friends, so close to finding Orphan--but now she was here, none of them were in sight, and according to her guide her stay here might be a long one...long enough to possibly turn her into a Cie'th herself.
That was, of course, assuming her new friend didn't do her in first. "I'm sure you're a lovely person under all the slime," Vanille told it, edging back to put herself behind a trashcan on the street corner. If only she had her binding rod with her! "But I'm afraid I'm a little busy at the moment, so maybe you'd like to--" She cut off with a squeal as it swiped a clumsy forearm at her, skittering back out of its reach.
"I've really got to go! Good-bye!" Vanille took off in a mad dash down the dark street, not daring to see if it was giving chase. "Fang! Sazh! ...Hope?"
Her voice echoed off the tall buildings to either side of the street. Calling out her friends' names had exactly the same response as when she'd tried it before, which was none. She went seven blocks at the speediest pace she could manage until she finally had to slow down in the middle of an empty intersection, doubled over with her hands on her knees as she fought to get her breath back.
The darkness around her was empty. She'd lost her monster, at least--now all she had to do was find her friends.