i'm thinking of cutting myself off from the world for a week or so.
i just get too invested in conversations to get any work done.
A - Available: quite un-
A - Age: twenty one
A - Annoyance: passive aggressive behavior
B - Best Friends: i've got a couple
B - Beer: a mi me gusta
B - Birthday: 25 march
C - Crush: a can on your forehead
C - Car: don't got one
C - Candy: chewy sweet tarts sound good?
D - Day or night: sleep
D - Dream Car: haven't thought about it?
D - Dogs or Cats: well trained housebroken dogs
E - Easiest person to talk to: several come to mind
E - Egg nog: never tried it
E - E-mail: i have three! whoa!
F - Favorite Month: october
F - Favorite color(s): green
F - Favorite Flower: daffodils
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
G - Giver or taker: giver
G - Gum: wintermint
H - Hair Color: you tell me
H - Happy: if you know it, clap your hands
H - Hugs: are yay
I - Instrument: i have a love hate relationship
I - Ice Cream: coffee
I - Idol: a lot of people fascinate me
J - Jewelry: earrings
J - Job: see "instrument"
J - Jail: never been
K - Kids: can sure be cute sometimes
K - Kickboxing or karate: kickboxing
K - Kindergarten: loved it
L - Longest Car Ride: knoxville, tn to the grand canyon via wisconsin
L - Last Kiss: was in indianapolis
L - Last Cigarette: was actually a cigar
M - Milk Flavor: 1% unless i'm sharing with my roommates
M - Most missed person: the boy
M - Miracles: happen every day
N - Number of Siblings: one
N - Number of Tattoos: one
N - Name: katie
O - One Wish: just one?
O - One Phobia: falling
O - One hope: internship?
[this section reminded me of the apostle's creed]
P - Pet Peeves: see "annoyance"
P - Part of your appearance you like best: my hair, but it needs a chopping
P - Penis: um...
Q - Quote: "
Q - Quick or Slow: slow
Q - Quiet or Loud: loud
R - Reason to smile: there are lots
R - Reality TV Show: nancy watches those
R - Religion: christian
S - Song Last Heard: how sweet it is - james taylor
S - Season: autumn
S - Shoes: i need more.
T - Time you woke: 8:26
T - Time Now: 2:01
T - Time for bed: YES
U - Underwear: best both cute and comfy
U - Under the bed: shoes and suitcases
U - Ugliest person alive: i'd have to think about that one
V - Vegetable you hate: mushrooms
V - Vegetable you love: artichokes. are they a vegetable?
V - Vacation spot: maine. the pacific northwest. prague. vienna. switzerland. norway. india. shall i continue?
W - Worst Habits: staying up too late talking to people
W - Where are you going to travel next: michigan
W - Weather: brisk
X- X rated Porn: wouldn't anything else be disappointing?
X - X-Rays: they did my neck once... unless you count the dentist
X - X-tra special someone: oh man, that is LAME
Y - Year it is now: 2007
Y - Yellow: bellied coward?
Y - You: are pretty cool
Z - Zoo Animal: otters. dear lord, i love otters.
Z - Zodiac: aries
Z - Zone: cst? or is it cdt?