Title: Jiyong
Pairing: GDYB (friendship)
Genre: Sad, Friendship
Rating: PG
Summary: Youngbae doesn't know what do with his old friend; Jiyong. After he got arrested because smoking marihuana, Youngbae's mother is there to save their friendship.
A/N: After Jiyong's scandal; smoking marihuan, I got this idea. Ji, I hope everything is fine with you there. Bae, look after Ji. Please.
"The acts he commits are not due to his personality. Jiyong's not himself and he needs you. Don't judge him on his facial expression or lack of it, just try to be there for him without showing your emotions. "
"It's hard."
"If it had been easy ..."
"... Yes?"
Sigh. "Trust yourself and your relationship. In such times, the strength of your friendship will- "
"Need knows no law."
"That's no excuse for selfishness, child. Do you know the value of each other? "
"He's not himself."
"For now. Has he always been the same person? "
"He has always hated the color green, because the green bike he had received as a child from his father for his birthday."
"Why would that be so traumatic, Youngbae? Green is not specifically a girl color. Why would he hate it?"
"No, not really no. But the next day the delivery came back to take cycle, because it had been delivered to the wrong person. "
"And ..."
"It was for his stepbrother. His father had between all the crowds - you know his stupid job that was always a priority - passed the wrong name. "
"How embarrassing. How has he handled it? "
"See, I don't understand. All those years he was healthy - physically and mentally. Why now, ten years later, he changed? I don't recognize him. There is nothing over of my old friend in this person now- and ... "
"You can trust me, don't confuse yourself just because he makes mistakes. Like taking that shit"
"And that scares me. He is not Jiyong anymore, it's someone else. "
Shakes head, short curls flying. "People can never stay the same. Time
doesn't remain and you experience as a man/boy so much, even a little thing can change a person. Don't judge him because of- you know what "
"It's unavoidable."
"It's hard."
"That's always been."
"Difficulty would be no obstacle. I should not shrink from him. I should not give up. "
Encouraging smile. "What are you going to do now?"
Door is opened.
"Youngbae? What are you going to do? "