(no subject)

May 31, 2005 14:20

Friday night was a fucking awesome night.
No, awesome doens't even come close.

Got there at 5.30 and we sat around drinking at the worlds inn, ALCOMOHOL!!! Then I went up to pee, got back and Lloyd had a joint for us, tasted kinda weird so i presume that was hash. Got the munchies so we grabbed veggie chineese, which is the nicest stuff from Camden i've ever had. Eva x 349-86.

Then time dissapeared and it was 7.30 so we stood outside the underworld waiting for Lucy to come (who ended up being an 1hr30 late) and talked to rich from screamanger whilst he sold some zines. He was gunna come in, but all his friends were going to get drunk as it was last day of college, so i llowed him. Shame he couldn't come, he's a well alright guy.
Mike was outside too, where we had the same convo we have everytime. He told me to just stop telling him my name as he'll never remember :o) I like him even though he's a typical 'OMG LYK U TOTALI SELL OOT' 70spunk.

Anyway, we got lost in conversation then it was 8.30, so I said lets go in but he wanted to wait for pukey lucy so he distracted me with another joint then i went in to watch the freaks union. They're alright.
Lloyd and Lucy came in ten minutes after the end of the set and found me talkign to Alex, Mik and their bitches. Heh, hair games with poker are funny >_<

Stza crack was the most amazing set
He kept forgetting his lines as he was so drunk, but it was worth it cuz it was really funny. There was about 100, 150 of us in there and it was cool. He did some of my favourites which rocked my socks.

Smoked something then caught a train home, ended up in greenwich as i was fucked when got to the station. Dad picked me up. Good night.
Amazing night.

Sunday I saw Mike for the first time in a week, and it seems really pointless being 'together' when I never see him. I hate asking what he's upto and i always end up feeling like his times valuable and he'll be missing out on something else if he see's me. Maybe..nevermind.
It was a good night though, watched films and talked and stuff.

I talk about him too much in this journal, fucking boys.
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