so ill be going then...

Apr 21, 2005 09:03 moving back to Fla. before the end of next month. going back into the closet and daealing with stpid shit like ima big ol' sinner! well fuck...i wanna be a sinner now! i want to be totally sadistic because when i was trying to be good my life fell aport like a slow torture! DO i LOOK HAPPY? DO i PUT ON A FUCKING SMILE FOR EVERY1 to see and ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

mediocrity666 April 25 2005, 02:43:31 UTC
Dude, why are you going? Gimme a call sometime. We need to chill at least once before you go.


mediocrity666 May 1 2005, 17:33:51 UTC
Yeah I told Drew to call you, but he said that he didn't have your number so I was going to call him and give it to him. He didn't pick up the billion times I called him over the week. Sorry man


yea_imgay May 4 2005, 19:56:58 UTC
then just write it down for him, i need to get the rest of my stuff before i leave


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