This is the current state of the timeline from DH and the cast mentioned in DH. The timeline will grow as plot points are discussed, and the cast will grow larger (I'm purusing the lexicon at the moment for more Slytherins and younger folks in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, etc)
Timeline: The Canon We Know
July 28th, 1997 Breakout from Privet Drive
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Comments 16
Dennis isn't mentioned in the book, is he? As for Colin, perhaps he went on the run like Dean and Ted Tonks, and through Potterwatch and the fake Galleon from the original DA kept in contact with the resistance movement. Hannah's presence at the final battle must similarly be explained.
Some more dates for your timeline:
July 28, 1997: Harry is moved from 4 Privet Drive to the Burrow; Mad-Eye Moody and Hedwig are lost and George is injured during this operation.
July 30, 1997: Neville turns 17 (not strictly relevant to this timeline, but I've started a fic about him coming of age).
July 31, 1997: Harry's 17th birthday.
She didn't come back in sixth year but she could have for her seventh. I imagine she would have been able to do some kind of home study. Kids before the Ministry take over did not have to attend Hogwarts at all.
I was thinking along some of the same lines as that for Colin. It would make sense that way. I can't remember if he was mentioned before the trio went back and the DA was called.
Pomfrey is also there I think.
Susan Bones would have been there. She has family that is magical.
Maybe canon mistake maybe not..I'm inclined to think so since JKR messed up Hermione's middle name and had her state she didn't know how to do a memory charm after she already stated she did them on her parents...
So...either Colin and Dennis in hiding with their galleons...or maybe the grandchildren of Wizards (parents Squibs)?
I'm sure she's going to be asked about that a lot. I'm also looking forward to what Steve at the Lexicon thinks.
August 11, 1997: Ginny turns 16
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