I accidentally took a swig of vodka out of a water bottle last night, thinking it was water.

Feb 18, 2007 08:12


Shit hit the fan with Brian's (my boyfriend) roommates yesterday. He lives with a somewhat nice guy who is wrapped around his crazy cunt of a girlfriend's finger. Who also lives there. This bitch is so fucking batshit.

A few weeks ago when I was there she was fucking plastered and screaming bloody murder at her boyfriend about him hitting her, when he was just holding her wrists to keep HER from hitting HIM. Then she came upstairs to use my phone to call the police and I told her I was gonna go, so she got all ghetto on me and called me a bunch of shit when I've been nothing but nice to her and followed all of her stupid house rules.

She's so strict and imposes random rules, writes dumb notes all over the house announcing them (including weird ones that make me think she's crazy like "Scratch Doggy Pawes [sic] Here"). If you don't do exactly as she wants at all times, she throws a fucking fit, talking about it being "her house" (when she doesn't pay rent--her boyfriend does for her), calling you a bunch of names and is very easily inclined to start throwing punches. She threatens to burn my boyfriend's vinyl all the time, steals his shit, snoops through his room, and is generally a manipulative DUMB piece of shit.

She does shit with her life. She never graduated high school, has her boyfriend support her entirely and doesn't have a job ("cleaning the house" which she does half-assed), doesn't go to school, and is such a selfish, self-absorbed cunt. She left me and Brian stranded at his house once after my car was totaled so she could go off and see her friend till 3 in the morning, under the guise of "going to pay the rent". Just lots of stuff like that repeated over and over, again. I HATE HER SO FUCKING MUCH. I have never wanted anyone else to be dead more in my life. She is such a useless, destructive dreg and leech on society.

Anyways, I went to Brian's house yesterday to see him, and she threw a fit about me not knocking and how it's "her house and not Brian's house" (even though he pays rent and she doesn't?) and how she doesn't come to my house and barge in, uninvited and don't knock and I shouldn't do the same. She could've just asked me to knock. I assumed I was a welcome enough guest to a paying tenant that it was okay for me to just come in, and would've adjusted my behavior had I been asked in a somewhat civil way, rather than being talked down to like I'm a child. There are better ways to resolve shit than jumping all over people and making them feel scared and like they have to walk on eggshells to be around you. Ever since she called me all of the names and I didn't forgive her after she apologized (which was prompted by both Brian and Pat, her boyfriend), she has been trying to find every way possible to bitch at me for doing something wrong, even though I'm very clean and follow all of her rules.

So when Brian got back from the gas station down the street a few seconds later, I told him I wanted to leave. So we sat across the street in my car for about an hour, bitching and catching up, and also waiting for Pat to get back with Brian's car so he could take it back for good. Then we went inside and started gathering stuff up to move him out, which he's been planning on doing for awhile but this was it. When we started moving things out, they just stood and stared at us with death glares.

At one point when I was walking back in the house, I kicked my feet against the side of the house to knock the snow off (so I wouldn't make a mess in her house), and they thought I was "knocking on the door to mock her". Pat blew up at Brian about how this was bad enough and how could he keep his fucking girlfriend [me] from being so cocky. Brian explained and told Pat to chill and I thought he was going beat him up. I don't understand why they're mad: they've been treating Brian like he's doesn't live there and that he's unwelcome the entire time, overcharging him on food and rent, borrowing his car and leaving him stranded, and making him walk on eggshells in his own house. You'd think they'd be HAPPY to have him out of their hair. I guess I obviously came in and fucked everything up by taking away the person they could use and treat like less than human. God, I'm such a fat, spoiled, snotty bitch.

Fucking cunts. Anyways.

So she continued talking shit on me and giving death glares, and we packed up the rest. Pat gave me a lecture on not knocking "making me an intruder and breaking the line of communication because I didn't announce myself", and bitched at Brian for not ever talking with him about this stuff, and Brian said he had and it doesn't work. I wasn't making eye contact, but according to Brian it looked like Pat was going to cry the whole time.

All that's left in the house is the big stuff like furniture, some toiletries, some dishes, his tent, and his clothes, which we left, thinking that there wouldn't be a huge blow-up over moving out. I hope she doesn't ruin them. Everything else of value is moved out.

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