Bleh, I also didn't know that they go by credit hours, which makes sense. An A in a 2 credit course has less weight than an A in a 5 credit course. Right now I know 3 out of 4 grades I have, and I have a 3.907 lol. It just sucks that I really have nothing to aim for. I mean there's not much room to improve, but so much space to fall...
Congratulations Kevin! I guess writing papers while your friends come to visit you really paid off, haha. You better hang out with Paige and I while you're home!
Comments 9
you suck. who gets A- in calc???
And Steve Su.
Oh yeah and the previous commenter, Kathy Lu.
I know this because my grade was higher than theirs both semesters. Oh the glory days...
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Oh take calc, better in HS than college...or better yet, better to have a background of calc when you take it in college lol
Yes I was unsure of who this usuer was, so thanks for the reminder ^_^
Yes I will see you and Paigy sometime over break. Where shall we hang out oh nerdy ones?
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