Here are the saturday photos and some videos that were taken and made during my, and various other people's, stint of being a guest at the Saturday of the Indian Summer Festival in glasgow's industrious Victoria Park. The saturday had the best musical talent on offer, so i have suffered to bring you every gory part of it, so that someone someday
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Comments 2
and you fucking loved my steve irwin joke, r.i.p mate, r.i.p.
and i demand yu take that photo of me off, it was only to see what my hat hair looked like.
and we've established it was bad.
now remove
roll on sunday pictures
college was good today
i drew a goat's skull and various other bones
and then collaged it, and made it out of material.
Sounds lovely.
Ah and you reminded me of another ali duncan zinger
"It's only manly to eat blancmange if it's as a side dish to eating a goat which you have just killed."
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