Do you have Justin Timberlake music on your iPod/mp3 player?
Where were you July 4th, 2006?
watching fireworks/drinking at toni's house
Do you like Oatmeal?
only the kind in packets
What was the last movie you watched, and who did you watch it with?
blood diamond, with lil.
Who was the first person you wanted to be like?
my momma.
What are the basic colors of your bedroom?
i have murals, and my stuff is every color you could think of.
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
curse. i usually say holy sh*t, but sometimes i mix it up and just say f**k over and over.
When is your parents anniversary?
mom & stepdad's is august... well, it's in the teens somewhere.
Where were you when the 9/11 attacks happened?
i was driving to english class down at the ol' jeffco. i was listening to a cd, so i didn't know about it til i got to class. our teacher let us out so we could watch the news in the cafeteria.
Where do you wish you lived?
burbank, CA
Why was JFK assassinated?
the underground thought he was too dangerous.
How many different people are in your text message inbox?
dunno...just a few.
What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
probably working.
Where do you plan on attending college?
i already did, jeffco and webster u.
Where is the last place you ate out at?
pizza hut, with the creepy drunken aussie/canadian.
Whose bed did you last sleep in, besides your own?
geez... i always sleep in my own bed. maybe lil's futon last year?
Do you have a TV in your room? What size is it?
it's a 20-or-so inch
Where was your default picture taken?
huh? are you talking about my icon? it's not a pic, it's from an anime.
Are you good at saving money?
absolutely not.
When is the last time you went over your cell phone bill?
every single bill.
Do you like Ramen noodles?
love em!
Do you remember Furbies?
sure do. i still have mine, though it's not got batteries. it's dalmatian print.
Does it strike you funny when people freak out about Top 8's (MySpace)?
uhhhh, dunno what you're talking about.
Does your mom smoke?
Do YOU smoke?
Where is your favorite football team from?
i don't really have a favorite...
Who were you with Saturday night?
i was home
Did you go to church Sunday morning?
Are you taller or shorter than the rest of your family?
i'm in the middle somewhere.
How long does it take you to get ready?
an hour, if i hurry.
Does laundry really need to be separated?
Are you in a relationship?
Do you own a webcam?
Does dissection creep you out?
yes. i don't like cutting up animals.
When is the last time you played basketball?
i have no idea...
do u like orange juice?
yeah...just as long as it's the no pulp kind.
Have you ever been arrested?
Have you ever gotten locked in a trunk of a car?
What sport would you improve at, if you could?
i don't like sports
Do you wear chains?
Can you sleep in jeans?
if it's a nap, yes. all night, no.
When you get out of the you put your clothes on in bathroom or bed room?
my bedroom.
Have you ever eaten duck?
Whens the last time you took a shower?
bout half an hour ago
Are you due for one?
hope not, i haven't done anything yet.
What class do you have fun in almost every day?
i always had fun in my animation oriented classes
If you were given the opportunity to get bigger boobs, money not an object, would you do it??
uh, i think i'd get a reduction.
Do you watch Big Brother?