Survey I stole from
[What does your name mean?] It's an acronym meaning extreme happiness.
[Birthday?] May 25
[Zodiac Sign?] Gemini
[What are your plans for tonight?] Watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
[What time is it?] 8:48 p.m.
Who was the last person that...
[Called you?] Amy
[Slept in your bed?] Me
[Saw you cry?] Every member of my senior class
[Made you cry?] Nobody. The fact that I was leaving school made me cry.
[Spent the night at your house?] Hanna this weekend
[You shared a drink with?] *thinking* no one...
[You went to the movies with?] myself. I saw About a Boy.
[You went to the mall with?] My mom.
[Yelled at you?] I don't remember
[Sent you an email?] *thinking* probably Samantha
Have you ever...
[Taken a picture of yourself with a milk mustache and sent it to the milkpeople?] Can't say I've had the pleasure...
[Said "I love you" and not meant it?] Nope.
[Gotten into a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish/etc?] Oh, yes, I'm going to get into a fight with my dog, who is so cute.
[Danced naked?] Can't say that I did that either.
[Had a dream about something really crazy?] All my dreams are crazy.
[Stalked someone?] Nope.
[Had a mud bath?] No, though I would love to.
[Wished you were the opposite sex?] I enjoy being a girl...
[Had an imaginary friend?] When I was little.
[Apples or Bananas?] either or
[Red or Blue?] blue all the way! w00!
[Wal-Mart or Target?] I guess Wal-Mart.
[Spring or fall?] spring
[Do you have a boy/girlfriend what is his/her name?] nope *sigh*
[Santa or Rudolph?] Well, according to Songs For a New World, Santa is irresistable...