Check my math for me, okay?
Cloth diapering is seriously easy and I'll give you easiest (not the cheapest) but the easiest solution I have found
24-30 OneSize Bumgenius diapers
Cottonbabies.com25-31 8"x8" cloth wipes (1 wipe per diaper plus 1 extra just in case)
Wipes2 XL hanging wetbags (zippered closed- one to use and 1 in the wash)
wetbags1 M wetbag (zippered closed- for going out)
(please note that I'm using my store for showing you cost but plenty of WAHM's make goods and I strongly recc WAHMs)
Planet detergent (
Tea Tree Oil (walmart- vitamin section)
Wash Routine:
Hot wash with a small scoop of Planet, small scoop of oxiclean and a small dash of Tea Tree Oil, extra rinse and throw them in the dryer.
See, easy peasy. If you can't afford the BG's (bumgenius) diapers then you can do prefolds in sizes with covers. They're not as easy, but if you want info, I'll break it down for you.
24-30 OSBG's= $406.80-$511.50
25-31 Wipes= $18.75-$23.75
2 XL wetbags=$46
1 M wetbag=$12
Total cost for cloth diapering: $483.55- $593.25
These supplies will diaper all of your children from infancy to potty training.
Detergent to last for about 4-5 months will run about $25
The sticker shock of the upfront cost is what typically turns people off from cloth diapering. If I were building my diaper stash again, I'd save the money from the beginning and buy when I can.
So lets do the disposable cost route. I'll use for references and with Huggies which are not terrible and will only leak a bit (cheaper diapers leak a lot more)
0-1 month they use on average 12 diapers a day (NB)
1-3 months they use 10 diapers a day (Size 1-2)
3-12 months about 8 diapers a day (size 3)
12months-24 months about 6 diapers a day (size 4)
24months-36 months about 6 diapers a day (size 5)
Hopefully they are potty trained by 3 years old.
So totals and sizes
Newborn diapers are $.30 each
Size 1-2 diapers are $.20 each
Size 3 diapers are $.26 each
Size 4 diapers are $.30 each
Size 5 diapers are $.29 each
Disposable Wipes $.10 each (Huggies)
Disposable Wipes $.034 each (Walmart brand in bulk)
0-1month 12 diapers a day x 30days= 360 diapers x $.30(cost per diaper)= $108
1-3months 10x60days= 600 x $.20= $120
3-12months 8x270 days= 2160 x $.26= $561.60
12-24 months 6x365 days= 2190 x $.30= $657
24-36 months 6x365 days= 2190 x $.29= $635.10
Total diapers for 3 years= 360+600+2160+2190+2190= 7500 diapers in 3 years
1.5 wipe per diaper change (although I have found that poop diapers require 2-3 disposable wipes per change) but we'll average.
7500 x 1.5 wipes= 11,250 disposable wipes in 3 years
Cost: 11250 x $.10 per wipe= $1,125 in wipes
7500 x 1.5= 11,250 wipes
Cost: 11250 x $.034 per wipe= $383.36 in wipes
Total cost:
108+120+561.60+657+635.10+1125= $3086.70 (for all Huggies brand)
108+120+561.60+657+635.10+383.36= $2465.06 (with cheaper wipes)Per child