pg, 389 words
death, ties in with 001
I always hated bathroom tiles, especially white ones. They make it easier to clean up your mistakes, but they also show them too brightly.
I never wanted to be in this band. I don't belong here. I can't sing that great, nor could I dance too well. I just wanted to be an actor. Was that so hard for sme to do?
And then they stick me in a group with 11 other boys, then another one after we came out. I don't do too well with crowds, and here they go sticking me with one.
Crowds make it harder to make your mistakes. If you're by yourself, then no one looks your way, but when you're with a crowd, all eyes are on you.
I want to get away, so I did the only thing that worked for me since entering sme: cut my mistakes away. What are the mistakes I’m cutting away? This blood that helps me live through this life.
That’s why I hate bathroom tiles, especially white ones, but at least there is one person i like.
Hangeng, or Hankyung, our resident china man. I learned Chinese just so I could have a friend all to myself. He never judges me, and since his Korean’s not good, he could never tell me want to do. I liked it that way. I liked him. He hated gays.
So try to figure out what happened when I told him I liked him, possibly love him? A severe beat down, courtesy of Hangeng.
And I’ll never know what happened to him after that, or what the others will do about me. I dragged myself to the same white tiles that mock me, expose me, and added my last bit of mistakes I could muster.
"Breaking news: One more member of the former Korean Pop group Super Junior, Choi Shi Won, was found dead this morning. This comes 2 months after two other members, Park Jung Su and Kim Young Woon, were found dead. This time the cause of death was suicide. Former members went to his apartment after he would not respond to their phone calls and found him like this. The question now is who will be next, since it seems like the members of Super Junior were unstable since debut. In other news..."