Sanctuary - Prologue

Jun 29, 2010 22:07

Title: Sanctuary
Chapter: 0/? (Prologue)
Authors: renichifreak and yeonah
Fandom: SS501
Pairings: Unknown
Rating: PG-16
Warning:Angst, AU
Summary: In this era, people are bought and sold as though they are cattle. The human life is only worth what one is willing to pay for it. What happens when two such people end up in the possession of two brothers who refuse to follow the very practices they were raised to believe?
A/N: Another roleplay story by us for your enjoyment~! Yes, Unlock is still going XD We’re going back and forth.  HyunJoong is played by me (yeonah ) and KyuJong is played by renichifreak .  Credit for the original plot goes to renichifreak  and hakkais_shadow ~ <3

"Did you hear?" One of the guards asked his partner as they took their post for the shift.

"About the new shipment? Yeah," he chuckled.

"Well, I hear that there's a crazy labor slave among them, as well as a few pleasure slaves."

An eyebrow was lifted. "Really now. It's been awhile since we've had a few them here," he smirked.

KyuJong remained crouched around the corner, listening intently with growing displeasure. God, how he hated slavery. As vocal as he was about his hatred, he was never allowed to state his opinions outside of begging his father to abolish such a cruel trade or ranting to his hyung when he was turned away.

'How can people stand to treat another human being like that?' he asked himself for the millionth time as he continued to listen in, being every bit the snoop as he was known to be by his brother.

Walking around the corridors, HyunJoong looked through his university papers instead of watching where he was going. After walking into walls, people, and thin air for a few years, he'd finally mastered the art of not paying attention and keeping his image intact.

This was how he managed to stop before tripping over his brother, who was currently crouched on the floor and obviously eavesdropping. Raising an eyebrow, HyunJoong silently crouched down behind him and put his papers down, one elbow on his knee and chin in his hand as he watched the unaware KyuJong.

"Anything interesting?" HyunJoong questioned after a moment, eyes dancing from behind his bangs.

At the voice right behind him, KyuJong let out a rather loud scream and lost his balance. Pinwheeling his arms, he fell back into his brother in a heap of flailing limbs. "Hyuuuung!" he whined quietly, something he only did in HyunJoong's presence. "Stop doing that! You're gonna take years off my life!"

After righting himself, he sat cross-legged on the floor and looked at his brother, anger clear in his eyes. "Appa's bringing in more slaves," he explained. "Labor as well as...” He couldn't bring himself to say it, seeing as how it disgusted him beyond belief that people could possible use others like that simply for their sick pleasure.

It angered him even further that his own father was one of those people.

Chuckling as KyuJong got off of him, HyunJoong sat up again and mimicked the younger man's position, sitting tailor-like in front of him.

He listened to his brother, blinking slightly. Unlike KyuJong, HyunJoong wasn't against the slave trade, but he wasn't for it. He was neutral, and didn't really care as long as the slaves were treated decently.

The problem was, his father in no way treated his slaves decently.

"When will they arrive?" he asked in his usual absent-minded tone, looking down at his papers and flipping through them. In reality he was thinking about what could happen to a pleasure slave in the company of their father. It wasn't something nice to think about.

KyuJong sighed at his brother's nonchalance. "How can this not bother you, HyunJoongie? I just don't get it. You've seen what Appa does to slaves just like I have. Especially pleasure slaves. It's just not right, Hyung..."

"I didn't say it didn't bother me," was the calm reply. "There's nothing we can do about them coming here though. You already know Appa won't listen to a word we say." HyunJoong looked up at his brother, still thinking. While he had nothing against the industry, he agreed with KyuJong in that their father's treatment of the slaves was cruel.

"Stupid Appa..." KyuJong muttered, glaring at the floor with his arms crossed over his chest. A minute later, he looked at HyunJoong. "So what're you doing?" It was rare to not see his brother with an armful of papers, but their contents changed often.

Chuckling, HyunJoong looked down at the papers. "Science this time. The labs are so outdated; a few classmates had the idea of renovating them a little for the school. I just need to send the proposal..." he trailed off, blinking.

After a moment, he grinned at KyuJong. "Have you ever thought about getting a slave of your own?"

"You should. Didn't you tell me that you nearly blew one up a few weeks ago?" KyuJong asked before gaping at HyunJoong. "NO! Never!" he exclaimed, offended. "Appa keeps threatening to get me one and I just refuse. It's a horrific and barbaric trade and I want nothing to do with it!"

Chuckling at KyuJong's shocked tone, HyunJoong ruffled his younger brother's hair. "Are you sure? It might not be as bad as all that. And Appa would approve for sure." He quirked a smile, gathering his papers and standing. "Think about it. There is a new shipment coming in." With that he walked away, humming to himself.

KyuJong just stared at his brother as he walked away before jumping up and stomping his foot. "It's not gonna happen, Hyung! Over my dead body!" he yelled after him.

The clearing of throats made him pause as he turned slowly, seeing the two guards behind him, amused expressions on their faces.

"Spying again, KyuJong-sshi?"

KyuJong could only laugh awkwardly.

fandom: ss501, writing: roleplay, roleplay: sanctuary

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