Unlock - Chapter Fourteen

Jul 24, 2010 20:44

Title: Unlock
Authors: renichifreak and yeonah 
Chapter: 14/?
Fandom: SS501
Pairings: KyuSaeng (may be other pairings in the future)
Rating: PG-16
Warning: Angst, AU, Fluff
Summary: Not everything is as it seems, and for those who are as far from normal as you can get, life is a bleak existence.  The only ones who can truly understand what these individuals go through are those...just like them.
A/N: Roleplaying is when two or more people collaborate on a story by taking control of certain characters.  YoungSaeng is played by renichifreak and KyuJong is played by me.

Hey, Kyu yah," YoungSaeng began one morning as they just lay around their room, neither feeling like moving. "I was wondering something." While he had told much of his story to KyuJong, he'd in turn heard very little from the time traveler. "Why don't you ever talk about yourself?"

Blinking, KyuJong turned his head slightly to see YoungSaeng's face, the boy sprawled out across their now-shared bed. After a moment, his lips curled up into a small smile. "I'm just not that...open, I guess. And there's never really been any real reason to." KyuJong operated on a very 'don't ask, don't tell' level. "And I don't want to bore you with unnecessary details," he laughed, rolling onto his side slightly so he could drape one arm around his boyfriend's chest.

YoungSaeng nodded slowly, leaning into the other. "Sorry, but I guess I'm just curious about you. Like, tell me about your family. I know that you mentioned having a little sister. Are there any more siblings?" he asked.

The other boy shook his head slightly. "No, it's just us. My parents joked around that we were such a handful they never wanted to have kids again." He laughed quietly against YoungSaeng's shoulder. "My sister is 15 now."

YoungSaeng smiled at both KyuJong's words, and the feeling of his warm breath against his shoulder. "There's really not much of a difference between you age wise, is there?" YoungSaeng asked, moving a bit closer.

When it came to KyuJong, YoungSaeng found himself making exception after exception. This held true as he shifted closer in the embrace.

"Not really, no." KyuJong opened his arms more to allow YoungSaeng to move closer, lifting his head away from the other boy's shoulder and kissing his cheek lightly, YoungSaeng's soft hair tickling his nose. "We were always close, especially because we live more-or-less in the middle of nowhere. Even when..." he trailed off for a moment, and then continued. "Even when I started time-jumping, she was the only one in my family who didn't treat me any different. Well, apart from scaring me half to death to see which century I end up in." He chuckled wryly.

YoungSaeng picked up on the pause and moved closer, tilting his head and pressing his lips against KyuJong's before slowly moving back a bit. "She sounds like a good sister." After a slight pause, he asked, "Do your parents understand your cur-gift?" He corrected himself, recalling that not everyone saw their power as a curse.

KyuJong returned the light kiss, eyes fluttering shut. It took him a moment to reply to the question. "They don't really...try to," he said quietly. "They have this 'out of sight, out of mind' mentality...and don't like talking about it. It's a little hard to ignore when I disappear in the middle of a conversation, but apart from that they prefer I don't talk about it, don't ask questions, and don't go out of my way to research it."

YoungSaeng listened to his boyfriend speak and nodded slowly, understanding. "The fact that they acknowledge it is a step in the right direction, Kyu yah. Even if they ignore its existence, they know it's there."

A slightly bitter smile appeared on the time traveler’s lips. "I suppose...though it's hard not to know. Either way, they haven't kicked me out of the house and are civil when I actually manage to stay in the house for a few hours." He paused then. "The long weekend is coming up," he murmured. "They'll...probably want me back home for it." He hadn't seen his family for a long time, since the beginning of school actually. But even so, he didn't want to leave YoungSaeng.

Nodding, YoungSaeng closed his eyes. The long weekend. He had no idea what he was going to do for it. His only real options were either staying on campus, or returning to his small apartment since he couldn't go home.

Lifting one hand to frame his boyfriend's face lightly, KyuJong half-opened his eyes. "Do you...want to come with me?" he asked hesitantly, gaze tracing the soft features of YoungSaeng's face. "Back home. My parents wouldn't mind. It's a bit of a trip though."

Blinking in surprise at the question, YoungSaeng looked at KyuJong. "Are you serious?" he asked, leaning into the caress. "I mean, are you sure that it'd be okay to bring me with you?"

KyuJong nodded, smiling faintly. "As long as I let them know beforehand. You don't have to be introduced as my boyfriend if it makes you uncomfortable," he added quietly. "I can just say you're my roommate. Though I probably will have to say that you know about my gift, in case something happens."

YoungSaeng, after taking a moment to consider, nodded in agreement. "If you're sure that it's okay, then I'd really like to go. I'd rather not spend it by myself." He stopped. "And I don't mind if you want to tell your family about us, Kyu-yah...just as long as they don't treat you any different."

He nodded at the addition. "I figured as much."

The other boy's lips curled upwards in amusement again. "I figure that after dealing with time traveling, finding out that I like guys should be a walk in the park. Though expect teasing from my sister." KyuJong leaned forward lightly and kissed YoungSaeng lightly. "Thank you," he murmured.

YoungSaeng chuckled. "You have a good point. That was the one thing that my parents had no problem accepting, oddly enough." Returning the kiss, he looked at KyuJong in confusion. "Why are you thanking me? I haven't done anything."

KyuJong smiled sheepishly. "For...for agreeing to come. And for not calling what I have a curse." He'd noticed, of course. "I appreciate it." He truly didn't think what they had were curses. He knew it would take a bit more than just saying so to convince YoungSaeng though.

YoungSaeng smiled softly. "Yours isn't a curse. Mine's just brought me nothing but pain, so it's hard for me to think of it as anything but," he quietly explained.

"Give it time," KyuJong murmured. "I think there's a reason why we have these abilities. And..." He nuzzled closer, his nose against YoungSaeng's jawline. "I might be a little biased, but your gift is the reason why we met, so I can't think ill of it."

Listening to KyuJong speak, a smile slipped onto YoungSaeng's face, widening as his boyfriend talked. "I've never actively used it, you know," YoungSaeng said suddenly. "Not until you vanished the other day. It may be slow, but you're the entire reason I feel like I can use it rather than it using me, so I suppose I should be the one saying thank you."

Shifting his body down a bit, he pressed his lips to KyuJong's, far more open than he'd been in years to another person.

About to reply, KyuJong was cut off by the soft lips against his own, returning the kiss and letting his arm slip down to around YoungSaeng's waist, holding his boyfriend close. He always tried to let the other boy open up at his own pace, so moments like these where YoungSaeng was the one to initiate a kiss or a hug felt rewarding for him.

"I haven't done anything worth thanking," he murmured, eyes shutting again as he enjoyed YoungSaeng's presence. "Maybe...do you think we should try practicing with our abilities?" he opened his eyes slightly. "It might help you with control...I know it helped me." It had taken a long time for him to get to the point where he wasn't jumping every hour, but it was still an improvement for sure.

At the suggestion, YoungSaeng paused for a moment before slowly nodding, though fear was still clear in his eyes. "I've wanted to try, but I've always been too scared to. Maybe with you by me, I can give it a shot," YoungSaeng replied.

KyuJong smiled, kissing YoungSaeng lightly again. "There's no pressure. If you want, we can give it a try on the long weekend...my place is isolated enough that we won't have to worry about anyone else being nearby." He ran his hand lightly along YoungSaeng's back. "Also...if you're up for it, I'd like your help for some practice of my own. I want to try taking someone with me again, with more control this time." He figured if he was going to react badly again and pass out, might as well do it where no one was going to panic about it. His parents knew about his fainting spells.

YoungSaeng sighed at the hand running along the curve of his back, relaxing him further. "I do want to, Kyu-yah. I'm just nervous," he explained, leaning closer to the older boy.

"Being nervous is alright," KyuJong murmured. "It's normal. I'll be with you the whole time, alright? If it gets to be too much, tell me and we'll stop."

"...okay," YoungSaeng agreed. As long as KyuJong was with him, he felt as though he'd be okay. "Are you sure you'll be okay? You scared the hell out of me the last time you took me with you."

"I'm not sure," the time traveler admitted to the question. "But that's why I want to practice...so if I need to jump in the future, I won't pass out on you again. If I'm going to fall into a fever, I'd rather do it when I have the time to catch sick, not in the middle of something again." He was still unhappy he'd been more-or-less useless for so long right after YoungSaeng had been molested, and needed him to be there.

"Do you think that maybe if you remain calm and jump, you'll be better rather than jumping in anger?" YoungSaeng asked, still guilty that KyuJong had gotten sick because of him, more-or-less.

Nodding, KyuJong rested his forehead against YoungSaeng's. "I'm sure it'll be better, though I can't guarantee I won't pass out again. My sister and I used to do 'experiments' of a sort to try and figure out how my time traveling works when our parents weren't watching, and one of the things we figured out is that if I'm forced into a jump by an emotion, the result is always worse than if I consciously do it myself."

"Your sister sounds nice. I can't wait to meet her," YoungSaeng replied. "I'm also glad that you had someone there to help you learn more about your power."

He nodded. "Most times, emotions override your body's limits like that."

KyuJong chuckled. "She's...overly curious at times, but she means well." He closed his eyes again. "She'll adore you, and my parents will too." He wondered how YoungSaeng would be around his family, hoping his boyfriend would open up to them like he had with his classmates.

"I hope so. I'll try to be good, but parents make me nervous," YoungSaeng confessed. His own hadn't exactly instilled confidence in adults.

"It'll be fine," KyuJong said reassuringly, kissing YoungSaeng lightly on the corner of his mouth. "They won't pressure you to talk or anything." He paused, eyes still closed. "Do you...want me to meet your parents one day?" He'd never met them...although he wasn't too sure how he would react to his boyfriend's father.

YoungSaeng sighed at the question. "I do in the sense that you're my boyfriend and I love you, but I don't at the same time. It's hard to explain, I think."

KyuJong paused, thinking. "I...think I get what you mean." He nuzzled close. "There's no pressure." He was starting to doze off, though he knew he should start getting things packed for the weekend. And call his parents to let them know they would be having a guest.

YoungSaeng, noticing that KyuJong was getting tired, smiled and kissed him, snuggling against the time traveler. "We have all day tomorrow to prepare for it. Right now, let's just stay like this," he suggested before kissing him again.

He found it odd that he was so at ease around KyuJong, and the fact that he found himself initiating contact between them was a bit surprising to him, but YoungSaeng was glad for it.

Smiling sleepily, KyuJong kissed his boyfriend back, the action relaxed and slow. "Sounds good...I don't feel like moving," he murmured, nuzzling against YoungSaeng's neck lightly. "You're warm...” His voice trailed off as he fell asleep.

YoungSaeng smiled at the sight of KyuJong asleep since it was one he rarely saw thanks to his newfound love for sleeping in as late as humanly possible. The comfort and warmth finally lulled YoungSaeng to sleep as well.


Searching through his desk, KyuJong pulled out a few textbooks to bring with him back home. He wasn't planning on doing a lot of homework or studying, but he'd at least have to act like he had it in mind or his parents would wring him out. He placed them into the bag on his bed with a few other things he would need, as well as money for the bus fare to get back home.

Though he didn't act like it, he was slightly nervous about his family meeting YoungSaeng. He knew his sister would adore his boyfriend however, so he just wrote it off as jitters that came from introducing your first boyfriend to your parents. Perfectly normal.

It was official: YoungSaeng was freaking out. He had gone through everything he owned looking for 'suitable' clothes for meeting KyuJong's family in, but nothing worked in his mind. While his appearance was simply slightly fidgety, internally he was a flustered mess.

Finally he dropped onto KyuJong's bed with a surprisingly loud whine.

Jumping when YoungSaeng dropped onto his bed, KyuJong blinked at his boyfriend. "Are you okay, Saengie?" he asked, confused. There was a panicked look in the other boy's eyes.

Sitting back up, YoungSaeng looked at KyuJong before it all came out. "Kyu-yah, what if your parents hate me? What if they meet me, hate how quiet I am, think I’m the rudest person on earth for not talking, and kick me out and pull you out of school and I never get to see you again?!" he all but cried.

Eyes widening in surprise at the sudden flood of babbling from the usually soft-spoken student, as well as the sudden increase in volume, KyuJong stared at YoungSaeng for a moment. He couldn't help it; he started to laugh, eyes crinkling slightly as he dropped down onto the bed beside his boyfriend and made the mattress bounce as he pulled the younger boy into a hug.

"Saengie, everything will be fine," he laughed, nuzzling against YoungSaeng and kissing his cheek. "They will love you and dote on you and stuff you with cookies cause you're so skinny, and talk your ears off, and invite you back for Christmas and March break and summer."

Before YoungSaeng could comment on his boyfriend laughing at his suffering, he let out a yelp as KyuJong dropped onto the bed, making the mattress-and him-bounce before he was pulled into a tight hug. "Are you sure, KyuJongie?" he asked, puppy dog eyes on full.

"I'm sure~," KyuJong replied gently, smiling as he kissed YoungSaeng. "Especially if you give them those eyes. Be careful, my mom likes to pinch cheeks, and yours are too cute to resist," he teased, pecking him lightly on the cheeks again. "Relax, okay? It'll go just fine."

"...I reserve the right to an 'I told you so' if they hate me," YoungSaeng mumbled, but relaxed into the embrace and returned the kiss as he brought his arms around his neck.

"And I reserve the right to 'I told you so' if they adore you to bits," KyuJong chuckled into the kiss, eyes closing. He ran his hand lightly along YoungSaeng's back, knowing doing so had a calming effect on the other boy.

"Okay..." YoungSaeng relented, relaxing into the other's arms, loving the feel of his hand running the length of his back. Closing his eyes as well, he slowly began to nibble on KyuJong’s lower lip, needing a bit more.

Surprised by the feeling of teeth lightly against his lower lip, KyuJong relaxed as well and parted his lips slightly to accept YoungSaeng's request, deepening the kiss and moving one hand to lightly support the back of YoungSaeng's head.

Parting his own lips, YoungSaeng released a small sound before responding more to the kiss. The tension was still there, but it was quickly being eased by KyuJong's touch.

Encouraged by the sound, KyuJong slowly deepened the kiss further, tongue meeting YoungSaeng's. It was always hard to think straight like this; YoungSaeng just had that effect on him. Even so, he tried to avoid pressuring his boyfriend in any way, wanting YoungSaeng to open up to him.

Allowing the kiss to deepen even more, YoungSaeng tightened his hold a bit and met KyuJong's tongue with his own. There was no rush in what they were doing, just genuine emotion.

A low moan escaped the older boy at the light friction, KyuJong carefully shifting on the bed a little so he could pull YoungSaeng into his lap. Sometimes when they were like this he found himself craving more, but he was careful not to let it get the better of him. Now, he was perfectly content to just be like this, not speaking as his hands settled at YoungSaeng's waist again, the slight brush of bare skin from where the other boy's shirt had ridden up sending shivers through his body.

YoungSaeng gasped into the kiss but didn't break it as he was pulled into KyuJong's lap. YoungSaeng always appreciated KyuJong's care with never pushing him, yet at the moment, he simply wanted KyuJong to let go and not hold himself back.

The hands touching his waist were cold, yet sent heated shivers through his body.

KyuJong couldn't help it; the other boy's taste was intoxicating. This was probably the longest they'd gone without either of them pulling away from the contact, the kiss easing up slightly so that they could breathe before it was deepened again. After a moment KyuJong slipped his fingers a little more under YoungSaeng's shirt, lightly caressing the soft skin at his waist and stomach.

YoungSaeng felt his breath catch as he felt those gentle fingers on his stomach, lightly teasing the skin there. Not used to physical contact, it startled him, but he soon found himself encouraging KyuJong as his own hands moved, one wrapping itself in his hair and the other resting shyly on his hip.

The hand on his hip was definitely new, KyuJong's breathing becoming just a little less even, giving another soft noise into YoungSaeng's mouth as he felt pianist's fingers tugging on his hair lightly. When there was no negative reaction to the contact he got a little bolder, palm against his boyfriend's stomach and it was a little awkward because of their position, but that was all right because he'd always wondered what YoungSaeng's soft skin felt like and he could feel the warmth under his fingertips.

His body felt such a pleasant heat as KyuJong rested his palm against his stomach. Needing to breathe, YoungSaeng pulled back slightly, looking into KyuJong's eyes before shifting slightly, unconsciously making it easier for the elder before murmuring his name and returning for another kiss.

KyuJong was addicting, and he just didn't want to stop.

When YoungSaeng pulled back KyuJong opened his eyes, worried he'd gone too far. The expression on his boyfriend's face and the look in his eyes stopped him from saying anything though. The sound of his name on YoungSaeng's lips flooded him with warmth and KyuJong leaned in to meet the younger boy halfway, his free hand slipping around to YoungSaeng's back and resting against the small of his back underneath the shirt, feeling the other's skin heating up. He kissed YoungSaeng's slightly swollen lips, and the next time they broke to breathe he moved slightly to kiss YoungSaeng's neck under his ear.

Feeling the lips against his neck, YoungSaeng's head dropped onto KyuJong's shoulder, bathing the skin with his warm breaths, which were coming faster than normal.

"Kyu..." he murmured under his breath, voice low and heavy.

YoungSaeng's voice made him shiver, the breath against his neck making it hard to think straight. So KyuJong just gave up thinking at all, eyes half-closing. "Saeng," he breathed against his boyfriend's soft skin, unable to stop himself as he dipped his head slightly to kiss the slightly exposed collar. "Do you...like this?" He murmured, lips against YoungSaeng's collarbone.

Unable to fully concentrate, YoungSaeng let out a low moan at the lips against his collarbone. "S-s-o much..." Everything KyuJong was doing felt so amazing and he let his mind all but shut down for once, enjoying feeling.

Smiling at the moan and stuttered words, KyuJong closed his eyes fully and enjoyed the contact, breathing uneven. He could feel YoungSaeng's ribs under his hands, and he would really need to make sure his boyfriend ate more because it wasn't healthy to be so skinny. Kissing lightly along the boy's collarbone, he brought his hand a little higher and brushed a thumb lightly over a nipple, overly curious and wanted to feel more.

YoungSaeng couldn't stop the quiet cry as his back arched into the touch. He'd never felt anything quite like that before, but the jolt that shot down his spine told of how much he enjoyed it.

Sighing, YoungSaeng placed a hand against KyuJong's cheek and led him back up, pressing their lips together again.

Letting YoungSaeng bring him back up, KyuJong returned the kiss gently, bringing his hand back down to YoungSaeng's waist. He was amazed YoungSaeng had left him go so far without pushing him away, and obviously enjoyed it, a smile forming on his lips before he broke the kiss slightly, breathing uneven as he opened his eyes and lifted a hand to stroke his boyfriend's cheek. "I love you," he whispered faintly against YoungSaeng's lips. "I love you so much."

YoungSaeng felt more than heard the words whispered against his lips as he leaned into the hand against his cheek. "So much..."

The reply made KyuJong smile happily, carefully fixing YoungSaeng's shirt before his hands could get away from him again. He couldn't help but love the feeling of YoungSaeng's soft skin, and the sounds he made. "You're distracting...in a good way though." He chuckled, kissing the other boy's nose lightly. "I forgot what I was doing."

YoungSaeng, still under the affect of KyuJong, smiled slightly, breathing slowly returning to normal. That had been... "That was..." he began before saying, "You were calming me down."

KyuJong smiled a little sheepishly, gaze tender. "Well...I think that worked well," he chuckled softly, pressing their kiss-swollen lips together lightly before pulling back.

"Quite well," YoungSaeng replied, smiling as he slowly climbed out of KyuJong's lap with the brightest blush ever now that he was able to think again.

His boyfriend's blush was cute, KyuJong trying to hide one of his own as he quickly busied himself in packing again. He couldn't help the smile that remained on his lips though.

Carefully putting books in his bag, there was a soft thump as something in the pile fell off the bed, KyuJong looking up at the noise.

YoungSaeng watched KyuJong get up and continue packing, knowing that he should get up as well, but damned if he wasn't comfortable. He was mostly packed anyway.

Hearing a soft thud, YoungSaeng looked to see a thick hard covered book on the floor. Reaching down, he picked it up, sitting up as well and turning it over in his hands. It was well worn, as though he'd had it for years.

"What's this, Kyu-yah?" he asked curiously.

Expecting the book on the floor to be for school, KyuJong's eyes widened when he saw just what YoungSaeng was holding in his hands. There was a pause before he replied. "Oh, that's...that's a journal I've been writing in since my gift appeared. I couldn't really talk with anyone aside from my sister, so I wrote down all my thoughts and our little experiments in there." His smile was a little nervous. "Though I haven't written much as of late..."

"A journal, huh..." YoungSaeng mumbled, staring at the book. "I tried keeping one once, when I was in the hospital, but I was too afraid of someone seeing it, so I stopped," he explained as he slowly handed it over to KyuJong.

Taking the book back, KyuJong tucked it securely into his bag with everything else. Restraining a sigh, he finished packing up and zipped the bag shut, the bit of tension that had entered his frame easing away slowly. "So you composed songs instead, right?" he smiled absently. "It's good to have a way to let everything out."

"I started songwriting when I couldn't figure out the right way to say or write what I wanted to say," YoungSaeng explained.

KyuJong nodded, smiling. "Your songs are amazing...they have so much meaning. It's real talent." He grabbed a pair of pajamas to change into, glancing at the time out of habit. "I'll go take a shower...be right back." He leaned over the bed and kissed YoungSaeng lightly, blush across his cheeks as he smiled at his boyfriend before he went into the bathroom, closing the door.

pairing: kyujong/youngsaeng, roleplay: unlock, fandom: ss501, writing: roleplay

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