Title: Night and Day - Day
yeonah and
mi_iseulChapter: 12/?
Genre: Angst/drama/fluff (yes, there is some fluff in there somewhere LOL)
Rating: PG
Summary: The stories of two vampire/human couples. Part 1, 'Night', deals with Kyuhyun and Yesung's story. Part 2, 'Day', deals with Sungmin and Ryeowook's story.
In the wrong place at the right time, Sungmin becomes Ryeowook's guardian. It's not all smooth sailing, however. Sungmin is forced to supervise Ryeowook as he goes to feed with predictable consequences. Later Ryeowook asks Kyuhyun for a favour..
There's a reason you're still alive... (( OOC: No, I'm not back yet xD Updating from Dad's laptop. Yay for updates~!!! xDDDD And I'll be back late Saturday night for that Unlock update, and if not, maybe around mid-Sunday...my time of course. EST. XDDD See you all soon~!!!! I MISS YOU ALL <3333333 /runs off computer before Dad comes back ))