ooc | app

Mar 02, 2010 20:54

NAME: Maria
AGE: 16
EMAIL ADDRESS: maria.hasastupidsurname at hotmail dot co dot uk
AIM SCREENNAME & MAIN PERSONAL LJ ACCOUNT: countersparking and countersparking
OTHER CHARACTERS: Pepper Potts (willharangueyou)

NAME: Fay D. Flourite
CODENAME: None. You don’t get codenames if you spend your life lurking around bars and libraries in London whilst teaching Chemistry in some random state school. Rune, because Magneto recquires thme :'|
AGE: 32, though he looks more like he’s in his mid twenties.
ROLE: B-B-B-BRO’HOOD Y’ALL. teaches chemistry and looks after people like the motherhen that he is.

BACKGROUND: OH MAN I promise this won’t be as horrifically convoluted and twisted as his canon background, but it still isn’t the most fabulous 8( You can’t make his background as sparkly as he is, sadly. Anyway, it all begins in a small, remote town in Norway.

Yep. Norway.

Fay was born the twin brother of Yuui, and they were these totally adorbs little kids with big blue eyes and ridiculously fluffy blond hair that would almost rival Enjolras’ shiny fucking curls, but not quite. Everything was charming and lovely until they turned nine, when their latent mutations kicked in, due to twin genes or something placing them out of whack. Fay started creating floods of wildflowers out of nowhere in the middle of winter, himself. These weird quirks of theirs were brought before their Norwegian town chief dude.

Naturally the kids were pretty quickly dubbed demons, regardless of the fact that Fay liked creating flowers out of nowhere and Yuui just healed his own cuts, but that’s what you get in superstitious, remote Norwegian towns with very little connection the rest of Norway in the 1980s. It was a stroke of really bad luck that a highly infectious and fatal illness also hit the town soon after the pitchforks and lit torches were brought out RE: the demon twins, and obviously the whole thing was blamed on the twins and their “curse” upon the place. Soon after that, the pressure and strain of being made to believe that she’d given birth to wicked beings that would surely destroy this charming, peaceful place, the twins’ mother also committed suicide. Once again the twins were given a lot of shit about this, despite the fact that psychological abuse of the townsfolk was in fact to blame, but I digress.

Chief dude thus decided that killing the twins would be the only way to rid the town of this supposed curse. Yuui and Fay were separated, with Fay being contained in the town hall while Yuui was taken outside with a small firing squad (this sounds even worse when I try to rapidly condense it all into a manageable background that won’t be as long as War and Peace or Les Mis). When said firing squad returned for Fay, the poor kid snapped. He’d lost his mother, his brother, the love and care of his father, and he was about to get killed too. So intensely angry and hurt and sure that it was his stupid flowers that had made the town so suspicious of them, Fay started to very, very strongly wish that the town, the people, that none of it existed.

Voila, about thirty seconds later Fay opened his very teary and stinging eyes only to realise that he was sitting in the middle of a very wide but shallow crater, in the chilly early spring. Not a soul, house or tree around him. Just space.

This was really fucking bad, you know, he kinda just made an entire town disappear.

Wrought with further grief and guilt that he’d just essentially killed about INSERT SOME LARGE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE HERE, Fay basically just flopped down in the snow and promptly gave up on life. Without realising it, however, he also created a protective force field around himself which is why he didn’t freeze to death, but he was certainly sort of starving and really, really thirsty about a week later when he was discovered by a man named Ashura. Nice guy, kind of big and imposing looking, but actually astonishingly kind. In fact he actually tripped over Fay’s force field, which is how he even found him, since the boy was buried under fresh snow. He was apparently a wealthy explorer and novelist who specialised in mutants and mythology, from London, and due to his charming personality and the really lovely stuff he said to Fay about him being a pleasant looking kid, that he could help, etc, he coaxed Fay out of the force field and then brought him back to England. Ashura was so charming that the Norwegian authorities were pre’ okay with him taking a kid back with him, as were the Brits.

From then on Fay slowly recovered from his trauma, raised and educated very well under Ashura’s care, and came to see the other man as a father figure. He developed a cute sort of English accent, which he intently modelled after Ashura’s, and spent most of his time when not learning English (btw Ashura’s fluent in Norwegian. And many other languages, but that’s how the coaxing happened.) exploring Ashura’s sizeable London home, which despite being in a suburb of Chelsea or something like that, was basically full to the brim with artefacts and mythological items that Ashura had discovered over the years. It was then that he discovered this utterly massive and ornate gold staff, with a large blue crystal inexplicably hovering in the middle of it and these fanning out things at the side that could probably take someone’s eye out. Fay was quite taken with it, though he never particularly mentioned this.

Ashura also took it upon himself to coach Fay in controlling and using his powers, which seemed to be some form of reality bending. Fay was consistently reluctant to use them, but Ashura was insistent and eventually managed to succeed, after some years, to help Fay control his emotions and thus control the slightly haphazard occurrences of his powers. For example Fay could summon his one rose into existence in his hand, instead of about five hundred of them as he had previously been doing in Norway. AND FUCK MY LIFE I AM WAFFLING AGAIN.

ANYWAY. Ashura suggested that Fay find an object to use as a channel for his powers, to help him focus them more, which is how the staff comes into play, because since Fay just liked it so much it helped him the most with controlling his powers, though admittedly he couldn’t hold the bloody thing until his growth spurt aged fifteen, where he seemed to shoot to 5’10 in a matter of hours, but there we go. Along the way Fay also discovered that combining certain whistles could also explode things if he thought about it hard enough, which was an interesting case at school, but it’s irrelevant.

Over the years Fay developed his SPARKLY AND HAPPY personality and even learned to fake-smile along the way! Then when he was twenty two, fresh out of university with a degree in Bio-Chemistry (fuck knows, he was good at it and could make things blow up without resorting to his powers), Ashura kind of lost the plot. As his explorations were starting to provide the world with nothing new or interesting, Ashura was losing a lot of funding and very fast. It had never occurred to Fay that Ashura might be a little unhinged, but apparently the threat of losing his first love, his explorations, was a bit too much, and prompted several very unpleasant murders.

The rest is history.

Six years later, once Fay finally managed to pry himself away from London, away from the comprehensive where he worked as a chemistry teacher, away from Ashura’s nearby prison cell, he moved to LA. There he also taught chemistry at a school, but he also drank quite a lot on the weekends, had a lot of various affairs with glamorous LA people, guys and gals alike, and learned to surf (albeit not very well). He also lurked around at rallies held by mutants who were really, really pissed about how they were being treated by the world. He never participated very actively or violently, instead just watching from the sidelines as he tried to choose his sides.

Then Magneto approached him DUN DUUUN DUUUUUN!

Welcome to the Brotherhood, happy-go-lucky thirty year old guy with a boring life, no particular future ahead of him and enough guilt, trust and self-confidence issues to squish a small cat. The life of the Brotherhood is not the life for Fay. He doesn’t know where he stands, but he feels a certain safety in the Brotherhood; no one there will condemn him for who he is, and maybe they will be more proactive in achieving justice for the people who, like Fay himself, have had to lose all that was dear to them because of prejudice. Yet Fay isn’t so sure about their methods; he’s a far more passive guy, preferring to dodge conflict and skirt around at the back, in the shadows. All the same, he’s been in the Brotherhood for two years now, and he’s had nothing to lose for a long, long time now.
PERSONALITY: Let’s just get this straight here; Fay has issues. You might just say that from the fact that he is so bouncy and so sparkly and so energetic that he’d potentially give even Chris a migraine, but it’s actually quite a bit deeper than that. Underneath the exterior of infuriatingly endless smiles and unwaveringly cheery tones, Fay is not at all as charming and happy as he may seem. He seems like he’s on crack all the time, except that it’s merely a cover for his really, really intense guilt issues over the fact that his brother is (potentially) dead and that he destroyed an entire Norwegian town.

In any case, Fay uses his charm and happyhappyjoyjoy state to effectively keep people at a sensible distance from him. He has a lot of deep rooted fears in the thought that something might one day push him into doing that again. Since he (supposedly) lost his brother, he never wants to become so emotionally attached to anyone ever again, because he doesn’t know if he could deal with potentially losing them again. He might seem friendly, kind and helpful, but he keeps everyone at arm’s length, and never tells much about himself. Relationships are never given any commitment, there aren’t any friends sad to see him uproot from London and go to LA for no apparent reason.

Fay is hard to forget, even if it’s difficult to form a connection with him. He has his habits and quirks, like giving people silly - though not inexplicable - nicknames, using his powers to demonstrate what could potentially go really wrong with chemistry experiments. This usually involves a small bit of reality bending a la whistling and making a couple of flasks explode, but they’re contained explosions. Nothing to worry about. He’s perfectly suitable for being around kids.

Besides his usually bubbly character, he’s also a pretty clever guy, and pays attention to things. He occasionally has moments of seriousness where he can impart wisdom, and he feels pretty strongly about anti-mutant things (I envision that he’d get along with Cap, Enjolras and Courfeyrac on this matter were he on the right side), since it’s anti-mutant feelings that essentially ruined his entire life.
APPEARANCE: Tall and skinny, with stupidly floppy blond hair and blue eyes. He’s got literally no muscle, but he’s flexible and quite quick on his feet, which is probably why no one’s managed to strangle him yet for being so insufferably chipper.
POWERS: REALITY BENDING. Basically he channels this through his huge gold staff thing, which has a crystal hovering around in the middle. However the staff is indeed fucking enormous and only comes out when Fay actually needs to use his powers properly, which is literally never because he doesn’t enjoy using them. To use his powers he generally waves the staff around and does whatever it is he wants to do (the usual, making shields, creating lighting, fire, clouds of confetti), though he can also do it by waving his hands around, but it tends to be far less accurate and controlled that way, so he really doesn’t like doing that. He can also use some amount of magic by whistling particular sequences of notes, but it’s really toned down and not very exciting. Just makes little explosions to scare his chemistry class with.

What Fay cannot do with his powers, however, is heal or bring back things that he has destroyed. Believe you me, he tried to bring back the town in Norway. While he was still a kid and still learning, he practiced with flowers, bottles, little unimportant things like post-it notes, but never has he once succeeding in re-making something once it has been destroyed. See whilst he can make stuff appear on the spot, he can never then get rid of it and make the exact same thing again. There’ll always be something different; a shredded blue shirt will likely return as a complete green shirt and what have you.
ANYTHING ELSE?: I wish I was kidding about clouds of confetti.

!ooc: app

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