In Social Psychology (with the same professor as Intro to Psych - remember? The "Pretend I'm the Fallopian tubes" professor), had these little nuggets of truth:
[We were talking about a paper that's due where we have to be a forensic psychologist working on a rape case.]
"Yeah, that's hot these days.... Crime Scene Investigators."
I thought of Liz on that quote. It also made me think of Paris Hilton. Fun times.
[We were talking about gene manipulation...]
"But some evil scientist out there could create a band of.... meanies."
His choice of words is impeccable. "Meanies." He's so cute....
[We were now discussing the concept of penis envy. Yet again.]
"Freud saw unconscious penises. Wait, no, I mean he saw penises in people's unconscious."
Maha.... unconscious penises.
[We were talking about a study (again, concerning penis envy) in which a couple hundred men and women were given pencils to take a test. Then, the researchers then saw at the end of the test whether men or women took more pencils (phallic symbols). It ends up that women did take more pencils than men did. My professor said that this was explained by some psychologists as supporting the theory of penis envy. However, one student made the point that women probably just took more pencils because they have purses and therefore have a place to put them. My professor responded by saying....]
"Why else do women carry purses other than to put penises in them?"
Haha... great fun.
Not a quote, but my English professor told me that I made a "profound" statement in class. Maha. Right. Gotta love teh William Blake.
And last night, my roommate said, "Oh my God! My foot fell off!" Out of the blue. I still don't know what the hell she was talking about.
OK. Yeah. I'm going to end there. This post is already too long.