12 more days.
7 days of classes. 2 days of exams. 2 exams to take. 3 days of randomness. 1 more time to see A Midsummer Night's Dream ($2 off!). 1 weekend to go baby-shopping. 2 bottles of alcohol to drink before parentals come.
Then Atlanta for a mini-baby shower.
Then South Dakota.
The dead were resurrected (but not in the - Lisa, this is just for you - happy-fun-time-Jesus way.... they looked more like the Crypt Keeper, all decaying and gross). They were evil, and were trying to take over the world. Their headquarters was in Moscow, in a huge cathedral complex. I was amongst a huge crowd, watching from the Finland border (yeah, screwy geography, I know). I was watching from a hanger structure - made up of those multi-colored, flexible plastic hangers.
Some government (it felt kinda like it was a world government) sent in a line of six people on ponies with a message (written on a scroll) to the head dead guy. Five of them were my friends, so I tackled the sixth guy off and took his spot. We rode into the cathedral complex, handed him the scroll, and started to leave. My pony was progressively getting more scared and tired as we were riding, and eventually stopped walking. Since I was last in line, none of my friends saw. I decided to walk around the complex, and saw some pretty freaky stuff. I started getting scared, and wanted to leave, but there was no road leading out, so I had to crawl through this quagmiry field, with pony in tow (very Never Ending Story-esque). Then this one random dead guy came up and started following me. The faster I tried to go, the more I sank into the quagmire. Typical horror movie stuff. I finally just left the pony (which I do feel bad about, by the way) to whatever fate at the hands of the dead guy, but the dead guy kept coming after me. He finally caught up with me, poked me with a decaying finger and said, "You're a ticking time bomb."
And I died.
That's the second dream I've died in. Stupid urban legends.
Kris's Baroque project is so awesome. I really wish I had signed up for that class.