so i was home this friday and saturday. dont be mad. hehe. and i cant make it down the weekend of the 14th because that is the weekend that sarah and nikki are coming here. sowwey fool. but here this- last night roger and i got really stoned and we were walking through my house (in the complete dark) and in the corner i thought i saw a little person hunched over in the corner. it scared the shiiettt out of me. but it was just a little stoll that was really light like skin color and a plant waterer thing w/ the spout that was about the same color. i dunno... it was creappy though. ... oh and since tis compter is FUCkUED up! .. i cant dleete eek (scractch that) okay let me start over. lol. sion... - that too. since this computer is fucked up, i cannot delete anything or it will delete eVERYTHING.. so sorry about the typos !!! *sorrry!!!* k, by e sweet thang!!!
Comments 6
you're not creepy.
but you just took a step closer.
hehe. hi.
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