4th ♒ [vvideo]

Jun 05, 2011 00:31

[Yep, he isn't even going to bother filtering this at all, because filtering it isn't the point. He's got something to prove even if this is merely the start. But here he goes, swallowing his pride, as much as it is difficult to do.]

[He stares at the screen for a long few moments before finally speaking. Though it's obvious there is some strain to his voice, because as much as he wants to prove he can do this, that he can be a half way decent troll, it's hard.]

Wat, Gam... First off I want to apologize. Not some half assed apology, some stupid fakey fake thing that doesn't mean shit. I'm admittin' here that I am in the wrong, that speakin' the way I did about your quadrant was--well, fuckin' unnecessary. Despite what I may think, it doesn't matter a damn thing, much like Wat told me himself. I should hawe kept my fuckin' protein chute closed, but I didn't.

[He swallows, man this was harder than he thought it'd be.]

So, I'm not makin' this to try and get you to forgiwe me, I'm not askin' for forgiwness. I don't expect this to change anythin' or fix any a the damage I did. I'm admittin' I'm wrong and that I felt you both needed an apology for what I'we done--or more so, what I could hawe done to your relationship. I--... It wasn't my fuckin' place to say what I did and I shouldn't hawe ewer thought it was.

So... I'm sorry.

im tryin kar really i am, @wataru, video, swwallowwin my pride fuckin sucks, im fuckin sorry ok, @gamzee

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