(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 19:41

: Top 5 Thoughts At This Exact Moment:

1. My nose is super stuffy at the moment
2. I love the piano in this song..
3. What shall I put next?
4. Aw he's nice
5. My desk is kinda cluttered...damn I want some jellybeans

Last 5 People You Talked To:

1. Carolyn
2. Robert
3. Some guy from myspace
4. Justin
5. Nick

Name the Last 5 Things You Have Bought:

1. Bubble tape
2. Cake mix
3. Movie ticket
4. Jellybeans
5. Air head extremes
[All for my cell cake project thing, cept the movie ticket.]

Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink:

2. water
3. water
4. water
5. water

What's In Your CD Player? Uhhh on my computer my civics & economics book

What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 9:30

What are you wearing? grey shorts that say aero on the butt and a green tshirt with the green m&m face on it

Current Love? Don't have one

Current Hate? Uhhhhmm :)

Favorite Place to be? School [beleive it or not haha] or in my bed.

Least Favorite Place? In my room trying to do homework but COMPLETELY distracted by the computer. Haha.

Where Would You Like To Go? Anywhere interesting

Where Do you want to live? In a cute little town where everyone knows eachother, but not all hickish.

What do you wear when you go to sleep? I sleep in the nude....JUST KIDDING. Um well sweatpants or pj pants and a tshirt.

What were you doing 12AM last night? Uhh sleeping

What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? In college probably

Last thing you ate? Well I had some chocolate milk and a hot pretzel

If you could be a pirate, who would you be? Ummm, Jack Sparrow :D

What songs do you sing in the shower? along with my radio..whtevers playing

What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? A murderer or the guy under my bed

When and why did you last vomit? Ummm awhile ago, because I ate some bad Dairy Queen.

What's in your pockets right now? I don't have pockets

What color are your bedroom walls? Coffee

Last thing that made you laugh? LOL Nick calls me elf.

Best bed sheets you had as a child? My lion king sheets were hXc.

Do you like your teeth? I will when I get my braces off...:D

Worst injury you've ever had? Well I've never broken a bone but I fell down the stairs once and fractured my tailbone. That hurt like the shit.

What are your dreams like? SO freaking weird. One time I had a dream that Will Sarrat and my brother were painting my house naked...nuff said.

Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Negative. I always push them out've the bed.

Who is the loudest friend? Umm I'd have to sayyyy Weber?

Who is the quietest friend? Dipti's pretty quiet.
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