One of my best friends from high school had a healthy baby boy on Wednesday. Her oldest child, Noah, wants to name the new baby Optimus Prime. Audiodubliner thinks he should be named after him. No word on the baby's actual name
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So apparently at the recent Texas GOP convention, a Florida vendor sold buttons that read "If Obama is president can we still call it the White House
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I don't know how many of you watched the game and the post-game show but how cute is Ray Allen and his little boy? I mean there are thousands of crazy grown-ups around him and this kid is just hanging out with dad. Totally cute.
And the basketball was pretty flipping amazing too.
Less than 8 weeks until NFL pre-season starts. Holler.
nothing too exciting. we worked on the house until late on friday and then we were too tired to go out so we made tacos and margaritas and watched the Boston/LA game. (go celtics
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We had to sell our bonnaroo tickets since we're in the middle of house stuff. well, i'd like to think we're in the last 1/3 of house stuff, but whatever
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