Name: Victoria (Tory)
Location: Montville, Connecticut
School: Montville High
- Aerosmith
- The Who
- Cherry Poppin' Daddies
- Blink 182
- Alanis Morissette
- Moulin Rouge
- Pretty Woman
- When Harry Met Sally
- The Run-Down
- Van Helsing
Tv Shows:
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- ER
- Law and Order
- The Nanny
- Who's Line is it Anyway
Opinions on:
Bush: He's a complete and utter asshat. I don't care for the way he has handled the situation with Iraq, the war, or ay marriages, he needs to get out of there. In my opinion he's doing nothing but making the government worse.
Gay Marriages: Completly for it. You do what you want, let them do what they want. Love is an eternal bond, how can you limit that to straight couples?
Best Asset: My eyes, and my abs. :)
How did you hear of yes_no_maybe_so?
willowforlife's journal actually..,
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