Apr 29, 2010 11:10
***Hey DorkNES***
I don't like 4th ed because with all the powers and once-per-blah blahs, it feels more like a board game than an RPG.
Deal with THAT!
Apr 15, 2010 14:24
I did see a bunch of "open season" shoot-em up style signs.
I met a particularly angry unemployed truck driver who was convinced that we should repeal the healthcare he is now on.
It filled one corner of the capitol.
1/3 of those were probably Feingold supporters/infiltrators like me.
It was mostly people with signs looking for approval.
Feb 17, 2010 11:36
My storyline has caught up and I will be looking for no more than 5 players starting asap.
If you are interested, please let me know when you are available and what you have in mind.
Game times will potentially be: Monday-Thursday 7-11 or Satuday afternoon-nights.