Title: Room Service(s)
Pairing: Jinon/Yejun
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The leaderly service given to bratty magnaes? idk for
ribambelles with the prompt of: hotel rooms
With a pitcher of watered down coke as lunch for the day and each other for entertainment, Jinchul begins to see how punishing Yejun is more accurately punishing himself. Try as he might there was no way he would have succeeded in letting Yejun know just how ticked off he was about whatever prank the younger had pulled if he wasn't there himself to enforce it.
But for this torture session, Yejun had found Jinchul particularly easy to tame with pretty wide eyes and convincing hands (usually it only takes baby doll wide eyes and barely heard whispers to have his way). He had already given Yejun all the snacks he had in his bag and had pretended to not be aware the other was browsing the Internet on his phone.
Yejun tosses his phone on the bed and falls on top of the hotel mattress, a childish dramatic turn as he falls to bounce up slightly once upon impact. Yejun turns his head to Jinchul sitting comfortable on the edge of the other bed. "So do we make out so we can go eat now or do you want to do this longer?"
Jinchul knows he has to be strong, at least this very one time, to show yejun he is capable of not caving into Yejun's big eyes and boyish pouts. Everything is hard when it comes to Yejun, Jinchul included.
"You don't understand Yejun. just follow instructions right the first time and the manager wouldn't have to tell me-"
"What are you talking about? I thought we were in here because I grabbed at you on the ride over here too hard and it rubbed you the wrong way, not that you've ever said 'too hard' when it comes to me rubbing one out."
He actually doesnt remember what it was now that he thinks about it. If he presses his memory he remembers Seunghyun's eyes widening and then pointing heatedly at Yejun but not much more. Jinchul looks at the perfectly calm young man, because boy makes him feel odd every now and then when Yejun is dressed casually with colorful immense beanies and has big lensless glasses that make him look like he is playing dress up in his father's closet.
How a pretty mouth like his can talk the way he does gives Jinchul little hope for the upcoming generations. With a sigh that is more for lamenting Yejun's apparent corruption than his bratty attitude, Jinchul finally stands and make his way over to Yejun's bed.
"I don't particularly remember what I was even angry about to begin with anymore. We should do more than make out just incase it was something really bad."