I'm too lazy to start whole new journals, so I occasionally just go back and delete EVERYTHING in them and start over. And imbalanced friend numbers fucking tweak me out too. Badly. That's the one thing I prefer about GreatestJournal... you can remove yourself from people's friends lists.
Perhaps, perhaps, but then I'd have to make a new layout, and I'm too OCD to copy layouts from journal to journal, and that's a pain in the butt to do, and and and *whine whine whine*
Comments 6
I'm too lazy to start whole new journals, so I occasionally just go back and delete EVERYTHING in them and start over. And imbalanced friend numbers fucking tweak me out too. Badly. That's the one thing I prefer about GreatestJournal... you can remove yourself from people's friends lists.
i loved your entries, and now you're nowhere to be found, and not on my friends list because you disappeared.
I hope this gets to you somehow?
<3 Lauren (I was previously __paranoiattack, and I'm not sure if you know me by this LJ name)
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