completely quit smoking last thursday, so that makes today day 5. not as bad as i thought it would be, but it still kinda sucks. what can i say, i likes my crutches
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no, pretty much just a blessing. i can still keep contact with the people from that place that i want to, i get to spend more time with my family, i'll actually have time to put the house together (after only a year and a half) and i get rid of the life sucking job that i hated and worked pretty much for free because the boss was a lousy businessman and never had enough money to pay his bills or pay his employees (he currently owes me somewhere in the neighborhood of $1500) so really no mixed, just blessing...
Woah didn't realize that was the case! Blessing it is! Now that you're down a pizza job and up a daughter give us a ring/lj/myspace whatever and let us know what nights are open etc.etc. Sometimes Mom needs to get out, somtimes dad needs to get out, once in a blue moon they can go out together. Hehe.
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