Season 2, Episodes 5 & 6 - WOW!

Jul 28, 2015 01:41

I only managed two more episodes tonight, but boy, oh boy were they good ones: Simon Said and No Exit. I got sidetracked at and I think before I watch more, I'll go there and read about everything I've watched so far. What an awesome site for all kinds of information.
Tonight's episodes )

season 2, supernatural

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Comments 26

vyperdd July 28 2015, 06:25:36 UTC
Yeah, Jared is certainly accident prone. He also hurt his hand back in the beginning of Season 1, though only wore a brace when not filming. And just last year he badly injured his shoulder wrestling with another cast member in the Green room at a con in Rome. Had to wear a sling for the first 4 eps of season 10. That boy needs to be kept in bubble wrap!!!

We do see Andy again later in the season.


yeuxdebleu July 28 2015, 06:29:06 UTC
That boy needs to be kept in bubble wrap!!!

LOL Sure seems that way.

Good, I'm glad there's more Andy to come. I like most of the guest stars rather a lot.


supernutjapan July 28 2015, 14:35:05 UTC
Did I tell you that you will see Gordon and Ash again? Well, you will ;)

Let's see - No Exit. I love that episode as well. They actually salted all the entrances and exits before cementing, so that should keep the ghost in I guess.

My favorite scenes were Dean on the phone with Ellen while arguing with Jo about whether to tell Ellen or not, and then later when they talk about their respective dads. I love the chemistry between Dean and Jo.

... )


yeuxdebleu July 29 2015, 02:57:05 UTC
No, you didn't tell me we see Gordon and Ash again, but someone else did. And Ellen, Jo and Andy, too.

Yes, I saw that they put salt everywhere and the ghost was moving around frantically trying to get away, but I just wondered if he'd be able to rise through the cement and get back to the surface. Ghosts can go through solid materials, right? I need to read about H. H. Holmes because he was a real person.

Also Dean calling a re-do and Sam asking "are you seven?!" cute :D

Yes, that was really cute. I, too, was happy to see a character with special powers (Andy) who wasn't evil.

I read that the actress who plays Jo is Israeli. How unusual.


dodger_sister July 28 2015, 17:50:22 UTC
Andy, Ash, Jo and Ellen (and Bobby) are my all time favorite 'side characters' of the entire run of the show. We get more of all of them too. I told the actors that played Andy and Ash that they were my favorites at a convention once and they were so delighted, they made this big fuss and then kept telling everyone I'd said that. Too cute!

The serial killing ghost in No Exit is based off a real guy, look him up, it's a crazy story.


yeuxdebleu July 29 2015, 02:02:48 UTC
Yes, Andy, Ash, Jo and Ellen are all great characters. I haven't seen much of Bobby yet. How wonderful that you went to an SPN con. That must have been quite a thrill.

Yes, I'll research H. H. Holmes. I know he's a real character.


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yeuxdebleu July 29 2015, 01:59:35 UTC
Yes, I was hoping, too, that Andy wouldn't turn out to be a bad guy.

I thought No Exit was particularly scary, too.


sireesanwar July 28 2015, 22:29:38 UTC
Yeah, Jared has been hurt several times and we see the evidence of it on the show. I don't remember these episodes at all. I even looked them up and read them in the recaps on Wikipedia. Oh well. SPN is really good either way.

I don't remember if they told us more about Jo's dad either. Damn.


yeuxdebleu July 29 2015, 01:09:26 UTC
I don't remember if they told us more about Jo's dad either. Damn.

Do you mean other than that he served as bait and was killed while on a hunt with John?


sireesanwar July 29 2015, 21:19:03 UTC
That is probably what I didn't remember. It has been like 8 years since I saw any of that stuff. I watched them when they aired so... don't remember things like this. I need to rewatch *sigh*... oh I need to look on Prime... I bet the boys are there.


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 04:15:03 UTC
Yes, it's certainly worth a check to see if Amazon Prime has any seasons of Supernatural. If not, check


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