One day, in a galaxy far far away, Katie went out to the arena to practice her lightsaber skills.
Anya and Laura came too.
No one asked Yoda, by the way.
Anya and Katie practiced together.
To the surprise of all, a young Obi Wan Kenobi (Who look astoundingly like Ewan McGregor) suddenly walked by, and Katie had a heart attack. Because he was hot. Anya took the credit for her death, as usual.
A cloud passed over the sun, and to the great dismay of all the evil Empress appeared. How could she have come so close to the Jedi's secret base? Horror of horrors! Her lightsaber glowed ominously. Like butter.
Candy bravely challenged the Empress, risking her life to save the other Jedi.
But she died. In the most flattering position possible.
So it was up to Anya to defeat evil forever!
Laura jumped to Anya's side, but they both paid the price for their lack of vision.
It stung like bejeezus, and Laura decided she wasn't too fond of being fried like bacon by force lightning. But, she had to admit, it looked pretty cool. Why don't the good guys get to use force lightning? "Join me," said the Empress, "And I'll teach you the secrets of being wicked awesome."
Laura shrugged, and stabbed Anya.
Jessica didn't think that was very cool, and jumped to Anya's defense.
But then she saw one of the Japanese exchange students, and was terribly distracted. So much so that she stumbled and hit her head. It made her so dizzy she had to sit down. Happily, Anya had recovered from her previous blow and was ready to defend herself again.
"Feel the rage flowing through you!" The Empress counseled Laura.
Without warning, Anya and Laura were blinded. The Empress was stunned! What has blinded my pupil?
But then she realized. They were all. So. Damn. Sexy. The sexy rays were BLINDING. Therefore, they decided it would be most to their benifit if they put aside their differences and became a team of models.
And they all lived happily ever after.
Until episode one was released.
And then they died.
Except Katie.
Because of Ewan McGregor.