Title: From He to "His..." (Part 1)
yeyell15Pairing: YabuNoo
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Slice of Life
Summary:For a man who lives alone, flowers were the only things that could make him feel at home. Their varied colors gave him warmth and comfort, just like him...
Carnation - I'm fascinated by your beauty )
Comments 12
do you plan to make kei as a girl? or still a guy?
I like the way you portrayed the story.
It's nice, calm but interesting.
It's beautiful :)
Thanks so much for reading, I wasn't even sure if this is a good one~ ;w;
Oh! Youre writing again! I found your lj a few months ago and started reading some of your fics. I wanted to comment, but didnt cus i thought you were on hiatus forever ;_;
To the story: i like Yabu's character here and how you describe him. He seems lonely. But what happened to Kei?!! Pls dont say he died ;_;
Btw Hikaru is mean to Daichan! Going on a group date w/out him >.<
Pls continue!
Hikaru knows Daiki...he's loud that's why he don't want him to go XDDDDD
so every coffee has its meaning as the name given to it?
interesting. ^w^
That's the idea for the coffees and the story but I think,
I'm getting away from it OTL
Now, please do continue. :P I have a few ideas in mind of what's next but I waFYI nt to see how you end this through.
I was really waiting for this you know *glomps*
I will finish this but it will take time I'm having problems as to how I will introduce Kei... //dies
Anyways thanks so much!!! iwuvschuu and i really miss you dear! <3 *cllings*
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