Time and Memories

Sep 13, 2011 21:59

Title: Time and Memories
Author: yeyell15
Character: InooBu(main), Tadaiki, YabuHika
Genre: Angst.
SUMMARY: What if one day someone told you that your time will stop and all of your memeoris will be gone?..(somehow unrelated to this story~)

  Time passes by fast like wind, flows like river and changes loke seasins. Even this "time" passes by, even if it flows and change, my love for you will never fade.I will hold onto you, I will hold onto the love we once shared, I will hold onto it....Until this time of mine stops....

When did it fade? when did your smile fade? I can't remember it anymore, all i can recall is that when we reached college you became cold...

'What's wrong?" I asked myself while looking at you from afar. "Why can you smile like that with everyone but not with me?" I didn't realized that tears already flows in my cheeks. " I can't breath, Kou..." I can't stop myself from crying.

"Kei-chan!" Daiki's call startled me "what's wrong?" he asked with a confused look on his chubby face. I wiped my tears and smiled at him, "No, nothing's wrong, I'm just a bit sleepy" I tried my best to hide my feelings from him " "You sure?" I nodded "okay! then let's eat! i'm hungry to death you know..." he pulled exclaimed as he pulled me.

Days passed and nothing has changed. You're still cold and you still didn't bother t look at me. It hurts while all I can do is to watch hoow you slowly drifted away from me. I can't bring myself to ask you what's wrong. I'm afraid of the words thaat will come out of your mouth if I ask. I'm afraid that you'll break up with me. I'm afraid to lose yo. I'm afraid to lose the very first person I have loved this much.

Thinking all of this made me feel so sleepy and I didn't realize that I fell asleep in the university library. "Kei.." a familiar voice woke me up. "Mnnn.." I slowly lifted my head as i look where that voice came from. "Kou-chan?..", "are you alright?"  you asked me with a worried look please don't look at me like that, it hurts.  "kei?" he repaeted "ah!, yes I'm fine, what are you doing here?" I asked him just to make him stay longer with me. ' I'm lokking for a book and I saw you sleeping, it's rare for a top student like you to be sleeping here..", "oh, sorry I'm just tired" I smiled at him but he didn't smiled back. Are you worried about me? or is it just your random kindness that you show to everyone? Kou I miss you, why won't you look at me?

"Kota!" someone called him at the same time broke my galnce to him. I followed that voice came from. I was shocked when I saw Hikaru waving at you. I looked back at him and saw a bright smile in his face. I saw the smile that he didn't show me anymore. I felt a pinch in my heart, my body trembled as i hold back my tears again. " I'll be going now Kei you should take care of yourself, and get some rest, you look paler, bye" he carefully brushed his hands through my hair as he walks towards Hikaru. I can't say a word because if I did I know I will burst into tears and I don't want to show it to you.  We're still together you know, Kou..

"krrnggg!" I was startled when my phone rang,I took it out and answered it "hello?", "hey, Kei it's me" it was Kota's voice
 "..." I was silent upon hearing his voice I thought I was dreaming.  What now?    "Kei?" He repeated. "Wha..what is it?" I asked with a pure confusion." Uhm, can I pick you up today?".."Eh?", I replied hardly believing what he just said. "don't "Eh" me, answer my question..", "are you sure?", "what?, you don't want to?" He soundede like he was disappointed."No!, yes you can!", "okay, then i will be there at 6, I have to go back now or else I'll be scolded, bye!", he cut the call without making me respond.Yabu was working part time to support his studies and it's one thing I admired form him.   What you just did made me really happy Kou..

My class ended at exactly 6, I rushed to the universitygate as I saw him waiting ther. "yo!" he waved at me with a smile on his face. "Kou-chan~!!!" i jumped at him and gave him a tight hug. "hey, hey what's wrong?"  he asked as he carefully patted my head. "nothing, I just missed you Kou..." he released himself from my embrace and kissed me in my forehead. "Kei I'm hungry, let's grab something before going home.." "okay!"..he smiled at me again and held my hand as we depart from school..Kou you don't know how much I missed this...I love You and I will always do...

I thought everything went back to how it was before. You replied all my messages, you answered all my calls, sends and picks me up from school like how it was when we started dating. But he wasn't as sweet as he was, I didn't really mind, as long as he is by my side I'm happy. My happy days with him continued until that day came...

I was running desperately to catch the train that is arriving so that I won't be late for my fisrt class. As I reached the station, I saw yabu standing there waiting for the train. "Kou-chan~!" I patted his shoulder playfully and with a smile, but that smile faded as the train stopped in front of us. He gave me a cold look and ignored me as if he didn't know me at all then he rode the train leaving me behind. I was standing and staring blankly at him as the door closed. I can't move an inch. I was frozen by his look. Why?, What is it now? why did you gave e that look again?.

"Kou, are we still fine?" I asked while sitting beside him. He did't answer but I felt the change in his aura. "Are we still fine?" I repeated my question and faced him, I saw a bitter look on his face. That look answered my question. "I get it" I stood up and attempted to walk away and hold back my tears but before I could get away he grasped me arm.  'I'm sorry"  those words shattered me into pieces. I can't hold my tears anymore "Let me go.." Isaid in a low and trembling voice. "Let me go, please..." I pleaded without looking at him. "Kei I--", "you love someone else right?" I asked when I turn and faced him. I saw his eyes widened, "Kei, I'm sorry.." he repeated. My body felt nothing but pain, tears keep falling I can't stop it. He tried to wipe the tears from my face but i shook his hands, I'm afraid that if he touch my I would fall, I don't have any strength anymore. Knowing that he could not do anything, he slowly walked away from me uttering the words "I'm Sorry"..

I turned all my attention to my studies and worked as hard as I can just to forget you. Just to forget how you broke my heart that night. but the sight of you being with someone else, the sight of YOU with HIKARU tears me apart.

--------- Part II--------
He was desperate..

"I wan't you back, Kou...I wan't you back..." the beautiful guy held his ex-boyfriend's arms tightly. "Kei, let me go!" the taller guy shook his arms letting the shorter fall on the ground. "Kei.." He knelt in front of the younger, "I'm sorry...I don't love you anymore, so please stop doing this, stop hurting yourself like this...".

After leaving Kei in that park crying, Yabu did't appear before him again. He knows better than anyone, that his mere presence will break his ex-boyfriend's heart continuously. He didn't want to hurt him anymore that's why he chose to erase himself from Kei's  world, He wants him to forget about him.


"I can't forget him" Kei said to his irritated best friend.

"Oh!, For goodness sake Kei!, It's been one year since you two broke-up!" Daiki exclaimed as he seat angrily to the sofa facing Kei's drawing table.

"I know, It's been that long.." He answered without removing his eyes from his drawing.

"Argh!" Daiki groaned at him with. Kei smiled at him. " Don't smile at me like that!" Daiki added.

"Why don't go out with Yuya instead of being here?, I'm working you know."  Kei asked Daiki

"He's working overtime today..."Daiki pouted.

Kei chuckled "That's why you're here bothering me!"  He is now laughing hard as his short bestfriend   throw a pillow on him.

A few minutes of silence lingered the room. Daiki was still sitting at the sofa now reading some magazines. "Ne~ Dai-chan...' Kei broke the silence

"what?" Daiki said still with irritated voice.

"Could you pass me another piece of tracing paper" Kei asked while pointing at the table beside Daiki.

"O-Okay" the shorter guy answered.

As Daiki get a piece of paper he heard a loud crash coming from where Kei is working, He turned and saw his bestfriend lying unconscious on the floor. He rushed to the now unconscious pale boy and pulled him in his lap. "Hey, Kei wake up!,,Kei!, KEI!".

(at the hospital)

"Kei..." Daiki held his bestfriend's thin hands "What's happening to you?" He looked at Kei's face with a worried expression.

"He'll be fine, don't worry." Yuya gave his short boyfriend an encouraging pat in the shoulder.

"I hope he will" He caressed the pale boy's face.

Two days had already passed when Kei opened his eyes.

"Kei!" Daiki yelled as he embraced his pale bestfriend.

Kei smiled at him weakly as he try to sit up. The penguin boy helped him. "The doctor said that it is just anemia, you'll be discharged soon." Diak said happily trying to hide his worry.

"Dai-chan.." Kei held his friends hand tightly signing to tell him the truth.

Daiki gazed on his bestfriend's eyes and he knew that he was serious. Kei already know his sickness long before he fainted.

"Why did you refuse the treatment?!, Why did you let your illness be worse?!" Daiki yelled in frustration not because Kei kept his sickness from him but because he can't do anything for his beloved friend. "Why?" He asked again but now tears are falling from his eyes.

"Because I don't want to forget.." Kei said with a smile on his face.

"Kei..." the penguin looked at Inoo Kei's face, He knows that this guy infront of him made up his mind and it will never change no matter what.


(one year ago)

"If this memory will be lost, i'd rather die." Kei said to his doctor. "Sensei, please let me keep this memory until my time is up..."

Inoo Kei refused to get a surgery to remove the tumor forming in his brain. If he accepted the surgery, there is a high possibility that he will forget everything, including the memories of Yabu Kota, the first and last person he ever loved. Not wanting to forget, He continued to refuse every treatment that his doctor suggested to him.


In desperation to ease his friend's pain, Daiki confronted yabu and told him about Kei's condition.

"He might die anytime soon!". Daiki told to guy in front of him. " His condition is getting worse everyday!, please visit him, just once. I beg you, ease his suffering just for a little while!" Daiki pleaded.

Yabu was so shocked about the news he just heard. He looked at his current lover, He was asking for permission to go to Kei. Hikaru was not a selfish person, "Go to him, He needs you" The younger guy told his thin boyfriend.

'Thank you" Yabu kissed his forehead. "I'll be back later" He left the cafe and hurriedly came to where Kei is.

Yabu entered one of the hospital's room (followed by Yuya and Daiki) and saw his ex-boyfriend sleeping peacefully in the white bed in front of him.

"Kei.."Yabu approached the sleeping Kei "What happened to you?" He whispered as he held the pale boy's hand.

"uhn~.." Kei slowly opened hs eyes and saw Yabu sitting beside him holding his hand. "Kou, what are you doing here?" He asked and smiled to the person who is looking at him worriedly.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm still alive." Kei lifted his arm weakly and chuckled for a bit. Yabu remained silent as he scan the boy's figure. He was thinner and paler that it was before. An awkward silence engulfed the room. No one wanted to talk. Daiki didn't say a thing because he might cry anytime. Yuya held his short boyfriend's hand tightly, he too can't say a word seeing the person who brought Daiki in his life so weak like that. Yabu was so hurt, this situation never crossed his mind. He noticed it. He noticed the change in Kei's body before they broke up but he didn't care, He hated himself for doing that.

"I'm sorry.." Yabu broke the silence letting those regretfull words slip out from his mouth.

Few days have passed and Kei's condition worsened that he loses so much strength just by talking. The doctor even gave limit to his life. "with his current condition, I don't think he will last even a week.." Morimoto-sensei said.

"What?!" Yabu yelled as he pulled the doctor's coat angrily. "You said that his his body is recovering!, then why?!"

" He continued to refuse the surgery! the tumor already reached it last stage!" He paused, this was also hard for him because Kei was his cousin. "I--I can't do anything about it anymore!" He yelled to the man pulling his coat as he gripped his hand trying to shook it of.

"Stop it will you!" Daiki was trying to stop them from fighting but he was shooked and fell down the floor hurting his but. "what the hell is with you two!" Daiki was angry and joined the fight.

"Hey, stop it" Yuya was now the one trying to stop them.

"HEY!" Kei shouted at them. They all halted and looked at the sick boy. "please, stop, I'm fine..don't fight like kids." he added.

Yabu removed his hands from grasping Morimoto's coat. Daiki rolled his eyes and sat at the sofa near him.

"Well then I'll leave now" Morimoto sensei said as he fix his coat and left the room leaving the tensed room.

Again silence enveloped the room for a few minutes. Kei couldn't stand the silence anymore that's why he decided to break it. "I'm fine, really.." He looked at the persons in-front of him and smiled weakly. Yabu, Daiki, and Yuya felt weak as they saw that smile from the sick boy. Daiki couldn't hold back his tears anymore, he rushed outside the room and Yuya followed him. "Why does it have to be him?" Daiki asked his boyfriend as he buried his face in the latter's chest. 'Shh..Don't show him your tears, we have to be strong for him." Yuya hugged his no sobbing short boyfriend.

"I wan't to see Hikaru-kun.." Kei asked Yabu while staring at the hospital room's ceiling. 
"Wh--" Yabu couldn't finish his question because Kei gave him a pleading look. "Okay, I will bring him here, for now get some rest." Yabu brushed Kei's soft black hair and smiled at him. "thank you.." Kei's eyes felt heavy and in a few seconds he as already asleep. Yabu left the room to pick up Hikaru.

Yabu brought Hikaru as Kei asked. " I brought him as I promised." Yabu said with a low tone. Seeing the two person closest to his heart meet like this gave him an uneasy feeling. Hikaru on the other hand was speechless as he saw Kei's appearance. It was very different from the Kei he knew few years ago. He felt guilt in his heart and taught that he should have never snatched Yabu away from the pale-sick person lying in-front of him.

"Hi.." Kei greeted Hikaru with a very weak voice. Hikaru smiled as a response. The couple approached Kei's bed. "Are you wondering why I suddenly want to meet you?"

"Y-Yes I was." Hikaru answered.

"Kota, Hikaru i'm sorry from doing this...I just want to see the both of you together." He gave them a weak smile. Yabu sat beside Kei's bed and signaled Hikaru to do the same.

"Kou, I'm sorry for bothering you for this fast few weeks...I--" Kei clinched his hands as he felt pain in his head.

"Kei.." Yabu held his hands tightly. "Don't be sorry.." Kei gave him a smile but Yabu can see in the latter's eyes that he was in so much pain.

"Hikaru-kun.." Kei uttered the other guy's name weakly. " I'm sorry for making you feel uneasy, I know I'm bothering the two of you..I know I'm not in the right place to--" Kei gasped as he felt the pain again. " say this.." He paused and took a deep breath." Please..take care of Kou.... Take..care..of him..."His smile this time was weaker than the earlier. He was holding back his tears.

'Kei-san, don't talk anymore please..." Hikaru pleaded. Kei was indeed losing so much strength just by talking.

"I hope that you two will be happy..." He paused while catching his breath. "No...you..should be..happy..." He closed his eyes for a while feeling the same pain struck his head again. "Hikaru-kun, if Kou made you cry, just tell it to me and I will--"Kei paused again for a few seconds, before continuing what he will say he looked at Hikaru straight in the eyes and smiled "I will scold him for you...". Kei paused again but it was longer.

'Yuya..." He looked at the person leaning in the window beside his bed. "take care of Dai-chan...he's precious to me.."

"You know I will..." Yuya answered back with a smile.

"Dai-chan...." He is now looking at his chubby cheecked bestfriend who was sitting at the chair beside him. "Don't be sad, please... i love your smile...I will just be with you..so please smile.."

"Kei.." Daiki nodded as he grant his bestfriend's wish.

Kei looked at the blue sky outside the window. "the sky is so beautiful..." He said.

"Yes it is...." Yabu responded because no one wished to talk.

"Ne, Kou..." Kei now is looking at Yabu's eyes. "Please don't  forget me...." Tears flow from the side of Kei's eyes. "Don't ever forget me please....." He smiled at the latter as he slowly close his eyes. Those eyes never opened again.

"Yes, Kei, I will never forget you. I' sorry...I know you have endured so much pain because of me....rest now..." Yabu kissed the now lifeless hand of Kei. He then cried and Hikaru hugged him from behind as he also cry. Daiki buried his face in Yuya's chest and cried his heart out. Yuya hugged him tightly.

If your memory is all that I can hold onto, then i'd rather choose death than forgetting everything about you, I love you, Yabu Kota....

-------------------------------------- owari --------------------------------------------

A/N: whew~! at last my first fic ever!..I know this is still messy, but I hope you will like it!....

Comments and Criticism is always welcome!.. :)

pair: yabuhika, *fanfiction, pair: tadaiki, pair: inoobu

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