I love Holidays. <3 Last week was pretty awesome~ PMX passed, and as promised~ a small con report... cause I'm too lazy to write a really long one. XD It sucks, my camera was half dead throughout the entire con so I didn't get much pictures. *SOB* D:
PMX Day 1 - Friday:
Left the house around 9AM with William and Rayna. Went to Wendy's for breakfast... then headed to the con and changed into Sannan. There really wasn't much happening on Friday. Me, Rayna, and William really just wandered around the hotel until the dealers room opened. I didn't bring alot of money but I managed to splurge on the first day, spending about $40 on like one of the first things I saw. (Which was a PSZ artbook. I'm happy about the decision >:| *not in denial at all*) Bummed a while, then met up with Mikarin~ We went her and her husband to get their badge, then the Cosfest office to check em in. Everyone else came about this time and checked in. We threw our stuff in the hotel room, then I went down to the Shinsengumi Gathering. Much fun, we got to take pictures at the Cosfest office, which set up a really awesome Sakura backdrop. :D Deb and Nhung was in the Asian food challenge, so I went there after. Deb didn't get chosen, but when I walked in Nhung had a face full of Tofu. XD We changed, and went to an Italian Pizza Restaurant for Angel's birthday. It was yummers. We went back to the room after, and everybody drank. I had a bit, but mostly everyone got pretty drunk. XD
PMX Day 2 - Saturday:
Hmmm~ Woke up and changed into Ion. Joanne and Tram came over to our room~ spent most of the day with them. :D Joanne was cosplay as Luffy from the new one piece movie...with HUGE FREAKING GUN and Tram was cosplaying as Esther. I so don't remember what I did for the beginning of the day... I think we just spent most of the time wandering around the hotel... Me and Rayna went with em to get their badges, sat around, etc... After a bit we did a shoot with Joanne's friend Raul, (which at the time we were mistakenly calling him Paul. Poor guy, should have mentioned something XD;) I can't wait for photos of that~ So happy Tram got to cosplay TB with me. <3 IonxEsther is totally my OTP for Trinity Blood. <3 Probably freaked Tram out with my <3<3<3 at her Esther. XD; After, we were all super hungry~ Luckily we caught the Kogi truck just in time. They were just about to run out of food! OMFG! Korean Rib Burrito FTW! It was so good, and for the price...SO WORTH IT! After food, we did another shoot with Eric, and his friend who I did not get the name of. :( Raul came back too~ yay! XD After shooting... we went Purikura! Stole the machine for 3 rounds. OHOHO!
Ohoho! We're so silly!
After, went back up to room, changed and ate. I then changed into ghetto perverted doctor Sannan. Took another picture at the Purikura booth, walked around the swap meet, then just sat around looking at the magazines that Joanne had. Joanne and Tram left soon after, then I went to the dance with everyone in the room plus maid cafe people. Maid totally raided the dance with Hapi Hapi Morningu, ahaha! I had to admit it felt a bit awkward, but everyone had fun after. :D Lots of dancing and glowsticks. I went back to the room and knocked out soon after. I think everyone else went to a room party at the Marriot.
PMX Day 3 - Sunday:
Pretty uneventful day. I woke up and changed into Maya~ Packed and threw everything into the car. Susan and Rayna followed me to the Japanese market set up, and we got the last boxes of Yakisoba they had, w00 food! Waited a bit for the Maid cafe meeting. Meeting was pretty uneventful, and we kept moving locations. After, went home and ate dinner at Citi Cafe. END PMX TRIP!
Whoa... I didn't think I'd write that much. FK! I guess I'll save my report on the Maid Cafe event at HAX for tomorrow... too lazy to write more. Still need to update on my '09 cosplay plans. w00!
Also, PHANTASY STAR ZERO CAME OUT FOR DS LAST WEDNESDAY! Finally, after months of waiting it's finally out. If anyone's playing my FC is 4812 7054 9836. I need more WiFi friends to play with. :X