[Mokuba is feeling serious. Grounded. Mature, one could say. He has decided to use his time in the DR wisely - to take a step forward towards achieving his goals - and is constructing his future deck. This may involve vast numbers of incredibly shiny cards, but he certainly won't be cooing over them. Not today.
He has also decided to alert his great
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So, I suppose I'll have to get you more than one scoop, seeing as you obviously don't appreciate it.
[Best. Great Grandfather. Ever. (What do you mean, there's more to it than buying insane amounts of sugar.)]
The elevator stops with a 'ding'.] It can be like a history lesson. This is what your great grandfather grew up on! [Time seems a little hazy today, but he'll ignore that.]
[Solemnly.] With sprinkles. [Now, off to get some icecream! Follow him, Yume!
Other Mokuba, for the record, is grumbling over the fact that he won't get any.]
Mokuba's going to take great joy in seeing Yume's expression.]
Was it even possible for a 'Kaiba' to be so HAPPY, ever? Look at that grin, it's huge.] "W-WUAAAAAAOHHHHHHH!!! There's so much..!!!"
[That was said on the spur of the moment. She better not remember it when this wears off, or he gets a feeling she might not be so happy...]
Let's go order.
[What looks like the most sickly icecream in existence is getting handed to you, Yume. Appreciate it before you can go back to understanding everything it may do to your arteries.]
Hey, in your world, do we often go out like this? [Future medicine is good enough to preserve him, right? Right?]
[Because you know. She's not your only great grand kid.]
Lots and lots of people...? [H- how many does he have?]
"Shinji-nii works at the company above Dad! When Uncle Shuu retires, he's going to take over the company! But he's already done a lot... He invented the gloves for one, so that his shadow and other people's shadows wouldn't have to worry about property damage."
That's... actually a nice thought. Family who care about each other and like each other and are on speaking terms.] That's great! Really awesome! [he may sound overly enthused to anyone who doesn't know what current Kaiba family life is like in his universe.]
Yeah, the gloves... you never really explained those properly. They're made by KaibaCorp? Why? [Presumably younger Yume isn't referring to helping people with stolen and/or murdered shadows. Property damage?]
"Also... Shadows like to fight. They don't like 'killing'... But they like fighting a lot. But since they were in this world, they couldn't do that..." [She pauses, as though trying to remember something.] "I think... When Shinji-nii made the glove, he said it was to let them do that without hurting anyone, or ruining anything. By making the area around them like the world the shadows came from, they could do whatever they wanted..!"
[Yea the stolen shadows thing came... After.]
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