[Meeting 'Sakura' as his nametag read had been a little strange, to say the least. But when he'd somehow proven himself able to tell what her career at least partially entailed along with the fact that she had experience in 'shadows', she wound up with no other choice but to listen.
And then he asked if it would be possible to help a doppleganger of
Read more... )
[In layout, it is similar to the first room: of reasonable size, with a window opposite the door, and a table beneath the window. However, the table is scratched and chipped, and one of the legs is broken. White curtains are closed over the window - the walls and carpet are also uniformly white ( ... )
Her eyes are drawn to the phrases on the wall, and this time she does draw close- to the words written along the sides of the graffiti in black.
Her eyes widen.] "These..."
"These are from the doctrine of Ma'at... The forty-two confessions..." [She looks back around the room, and toward Brooklime.] "You are sure this is your room..?"
((OOC - Just remember we're gonna need some room for sword play in a bit... :I ))
Oh, yes. [He sounds rather resigned.] If you know that, then you'll know that there are some missing. [A million guesses which, not that Yume would know. Clue: it's not the ones about adultery.]
The room next door isn't mine. [He distinctly remembers it belonging to someone else, after all. And being locked.] I suppose I must have redecorated when the space was left vacant.
[He leans down to inspect a few broken figurines, half made. He's not going to be much help unless she pushes him.]
[She comes to stand near Brooklime, glancing at the broken figurines.] "But. We need to trace the source of the darkness causing you difficulty- and for that I need your help. This room is yours- it's your mind, and reacts as such. And while I would ordinarily search myself, this room is not as large as most realms I'm familiar with- it shows you're careful, which is good... But we need to reveal the connection to your ring."
[And pray the ring doesn't catch on...]
((OOC - Though. It'd be good to get a few hits in before any darkness kicks Yume's rear and gives reason for the ka to show up. :'D If that's cool.))
Thanks. [Not that it's worth much, given how much she's seen already.]
Well- what's it likely to look like? [He stands. Not much in here that looks likely...] All these things are mine. What are we looking for?
"Look about this room; is there anything, however small, that doesn't feel like it should be here? Don't judge by appearances either; judge by the feeling, the sensation of it. This is your mind- it will play tricks even with you, so what is obviously 'out of place' might not necessarily be so."
I'm not sure; this is all just what it looked like last time I was here. [The negative confessions are new, but not much else. Some smoke drifts past.]
Though, I've never seen the smoke before. Is that because you're here?
She thought they were from her shadow, but a quick look down causes her to stiffen and turn back.] "The curtain..!" [Hurriedly she reaches toward it, pulling the fabric back-]
Brooklime's backing away, looking terrified.]
Get back!
In seconds, they were falling...] "Brooklime..!!" [She can enter the shadows in an attempt for balance. In an attempt to cushion whatever fall they're experiencing, whatever lies at the bottom...
But as she reaches out to where Brooklime was, the question is if how he'll fare in all this..!] "Ngh-!"
[And the smoke roars...]
[Impact is not quite as painful as expected, though it does wind him. He suspects some of those bruises will last days... They are lying on the rubble of the floor in almost complete darkness. What sounds like angry mutterings can be heard, though no distinct words are audible.]
H- help?
She tried.
Currently though, she's already been chased out of her rubble by a wave of more of this dark smoke, her sword drawn and clashing against blackened teeth as she attempts to gain some form of upper hand through her speed.] "Ngh... In a minute, Brooklime..!!" [It's like this monster is toying with her... It feels as though it embodies the entirety of the room they're sitting in, shifting through the rubble...]
"I'm just a little busy though..!"
[Smoke... Smoke just should not be able to roar...]
He's just going to back up a little closer to the person with a weapon and really, really hope he doesn't get eaten by smoke monsters.
They're fast becoming surrounded, though.]
Or maybe it's ego is threatened by the being of pure darkness that's slowly forming an obvious leader from the ring around them.] "Ngh... Shit...
"Brooklime... Brace yourself..!" [She steadies her blade...
And the smoke strikes, blasting against the shadows she pulls up from her feet for a shield.]
And as they're thrown back it might be interesting to note Brooklime that 'your' mind's demons seem to be approaching an obviously incapacitated Yume now. You know the one who kinda tried to stop it.
Maybe you should make your mind fight back. Or something...]
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