[Meeting 'Sakura' as his nametag read had been a little strange, to say the least. But when he'd somehow proven himself able to tell what her career at least partially entailed along with the fact that she had experience in 'shadows', she wound up with no other choice but to listen.
And then he asked if it would be possible to help a doppleganger of
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He finds himself in his room again - the previously destroyed one, that is. There have been very few changes, though the broken objects on the floor have been removed, tidied neatly away onto shelves, and the white has faded to a slightly more comfortable grey. The curtains are open, and on the other side of the window is the kind of scene you might see from a highrise building: Domino is stretched out below.
Which is nice, he supposes, but there has been no change to the writing on the walls, the only thing he was in any hurry to get rid of...]
Temperance is drifting vaguely near him.] Um... what will happen to my- ka- when we leave?
Smiling though, not that one can tell with the mask.] "That's good- the change should feel gradual, outside of obvious differences such as influence. As for your ka..." [She looks to Temperance.] "Most likely it will follow us into the living realm after you re-awaken. There isn't anything more I can do here as it is... But between the barrier I've erected, and the presence of your ka, the ring should be more manageable."
[Unless of course your ka relies on coin flipp- ooooooh...]
[Wait, follow-??] It- it's going to follow me around when we wake up? [It is probably a good thing that Temperance does not have enough of a face to give Brooklime an affronted look. He's fairly sure that it would if it could.]
[She nods.] "Quite likely; it depends on the Ka's preference. As a portion of your soul, it will either prefer to sit in your shadow, or at your side. Most prefer the latter actually- the ka offers protection, along with a 'second look' at things that the mind might miss on first glance."
[That or the human gets 'second glance', given the attitude of some... -coughsekmetcough-]
"As I said, it's up to the ka. We'll find out when we leave." [And besides, this eldritch horror seems perfectly pleasant; there ARE worse things...
And with leaving in mind, she gestures to the door.] "Shall we?"
Just a minute. Does it matter if the door isn't shut behind us?
Time to go, then. [And, he steps out.]
[She'll be leading Brooklime back into the other, empty room now; there's a rift of 'light' where Yume came in initially, and she steps back.] "Technically, the order of who leaves doesn't matter- however, I find it's more safe for the one with the glove to leave last, in case the exit closes over in response to the glove's disconnection."
Entering the light now, Yume will be waking up with a 'jolt', before shaking herself off and turning to look at Brooklime.
His waking up should go much much smoother really...] "..."
[He's up almost immediately, stretching and yawning. Also, grinning.] It worked? It worked! [He almost sounded like he didn't believe in you, Yume!] I don't know how to thank you.
Well he's happy..!] "Nn- It's nothing really- it's only my job..." [Um.] "I... Take it you can already feel a difference then?" [Or maybe he's just happy he woke up..?]
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