[There is a young Isis - dressed in modern clothes, no less - standing outside a candy shop, an open box of gourmet chocolates in her hand. There's one missing, and she's chewing, hand paused halfway to her mouth
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You're very lucky Isis- because while Dragon wasn't about to comply, Nel's certainly not about to lose. "Mn!" And at the moment, he's doing his best to pull it back by the tail. "We were supposed to share..!!!"
[She's still a little nervous - okay, a lot nervous, but she's hiding it well. Alarm's new pet has steeled her against small children with dangerous animal companions, at least somewhat.]
And you can purchase some for yourself at the store around the corner. You can even thank the gentleman who made it for you.
[Cassandra sighs. Fine. She'll do this herself if she has to.
So she'll start moving, keeping her eyes towards the dragon, but slowly repositioning herself to begin backing towards the store. She'll lure him there herself if she has to, but either way this boy needs to learn proper etiquette!
And then teach it to his companion, but she's seeing how difficult training can be.]
All right, this way. If you'd like some, this way....
Is it safe for him to eat? [She asks its young handler.] You shouldn't feed him anything that might upset his stomach.
Ffffff stupid dragon, stop sabotaging his attempts to train! (Brooklime put you up to this didn't he??)
Well, if he gets sick then good for him. "It's probably alright," he grumbles. "He's made of shadows anyway..." As he mutters something about 'how does it even eat', and 'stupid dragon.'
In the meantime, dragon is very easily lured and is following the chocolate with his eyes. "Maon?"
[She - doesn't quite catch all of that, nor is she certain she wants to inquire. Instead she'll just focus on leading them both to the chocolate store, to get some of their own.]
Just be careful. He's counting on you to look after him.
[And look at this.
Store full of chocolate.
....For a split moment, she looks worried, even a little guilty as she realizes what she's done, and promises herself she'll help the shopkeeper clean up after - whatever's about to happen.]
Now, they'll give it to you nicely if you behave. Don't make a mess.
"Everyone is animals" is a stock crackplot. I could put it back on the list.unseenvisionsDecember 2 2011, 19:18:57 UTC
[She pats at the creature in a "down, boy" motion, but she's smiling faintly.]
You're welcome. Go...pick out something, okay....?
[Is anyone looking after this boy? She doesn't think he'll be in any danger, not with that - creature - accompanying him, but....There really should be a place children can go in this hotel if no one's around to supervise them!]
Cassandra sets her jaw and looks over at the boy. They'll get their chocolate, she supposes. And then she'll walk them home. To be certain they have a home.]
Surely his thieving skills won't fail him here! "Okay Dragon," he hisses to his cover. "Three... Two-"
Dragon just took off after the chocolate carrying girl himself. "MAAOOOOOONNNNN~~~~"
Gasping, she backs away from the pouncing - creature - and flattens herself against a wall. What? What?
And yet, on autopilot, after weeks with Alarm & his Chimchar:]
No, boy! Down!
Oh! Nevermind, maybe you should just run!
Everything is free here. There's no reason to try and steal.
And as it instantly takes a begging position at Cassandra's feet. "Maaooooooooo-oooon..." Dear lord it's worse than a cat...
And you can purchase some for yourself at the store around the corner. You can even thank the gentleman who made it for you.
There's no reason to cause a fuss in the halls.
Fine. He'll go steal the chocolate there (or something). "Fineeee... C'mon, dragon..."
Refuses, and continues staring up at Cassandra and giving strangely cat like yowl/beg sounds. "MaaAAAAAAAOOOOOONNNNN.... MAAAAAOOOOOONNNN..!"
"Oh COME on..!"
Your friend is calling for you, you know.
You're going to go get a snack. All for yourself, instead of mine.
[And she makes a little "shoo - go that way" motion with her free hand.]
See? He's waiting.
Dragons man, how does that even... "Nnnnnnggghh... Come on..!"
Oh oh oh... But he's even got his head down on the ground all begging like~ (And he's also wagging his tail.
Which Nel is holding.)
"H-HuaaaaAAAH-AAHHH-AAAAHHHHH-" Falling. "Ooof!"
So she'll start moving, keeping her eyes towards the dragon, but slowly repositioning herself to begin backing towards the store. She'll lure him there herself if she has to, but either way this boy needs to learn proper etiquette!
And then teach it to his companion, but she's seeing how difficult training can be.]
All right, this way. If you'd like some, this way....
Is it safe for him to eat? [She asks its young handler.] You shouldn't feed him anything that might upset his stomach.
Well, if he gets sick then good for him. "It's probably alright," he grumbles. "He's made of shadows anyway..." As he mutters something about 'how does it even eat', and 'stupid dragon.'
In the meantime, dragon is very easily lured and is following the chocolate with his eyes. "Maon?"
Just be careful. He's counting on you to look after him.
[And look at this.
Store full of chocolate.
....For a split moment, she looks worried, even a little guilty as she realizes what she's done, and promises herself she'll help the shopkeeper clean up after - whatever's about to happen.]
Now, they'll give it to you nicely if you behave. Don't make a mess.
"WOAH." And Nel is thereby nicely preoccupied with said chocolate while Dragon moves to try and... 'Thank'... Cassandra...
"Aooooooowwwwnnn~ Raaaaaooonnn~~~" By trying to lick her.
The chaos of course, will happen soon enough.
You're welcome. Go...pick out something, okay....?
[Is anyone looking after this boy? She doesn't think he'll be in any danger, not with that - creature - accompanying him, but....There really should be a place children can go in this hotel if no one's around to supervise them!]
As he walks in however, preparing to pick up a chocolate, Dragon turns from Cassandra to stare.
And then 'pick' his own. "MmrrrraaaOOOWnn!" Hey ever wonder what happens when you cross a dragon with a chocolate shop?
You're about to find out. "O-OIII!! Watch the aisles..!!"
[She'd warned them. She'd warned them.
Cassandra sets her jaw and looks over at the boy. They'll get their chocolate, she supposes. And then she'll walk them home. To be certain they have a home.]
Maybe he should wait outside.
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