Yami no Bakura (is the hotness!)

Jan 12, 2006 21:13

ahh um! My yami told me to come here. ^^; I like ratings comms anyway so ok!


Name: Jenny
Age (no one under 13, please): 13
Location: Huntsville Alabama

Three adjectives to describe yourself: umm happy quirky and stubborn
If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: Japan! Cause that would be so much fun. ^^ They have quirky things to buy and off the wall fashions.
What do you (or did you) want to be when you grow up?: I dunno. what ever I'm forced to do cause I can't make up my mind? T_T Everyone is telling me different things. "Be the president of a big company Jenny!" "Be an artist and be respected!" I don't know! @.@
Any random obsessions you don't mind sharing?: Bakura. ^^ Any Bakura. Candy, I am obsessed with chocolate and anything that keeps me hyper haha!
What is the meaning/significance/derivation of your username?: Its the name of a my little pony, and I collect them and I just like the way it sounds.

Favourite three books, why?: Harry Potter, the bible, and maybe Series of unfortunate events. I love them all, can't think of an exact why. ^^;
Favourite three movies, why?: Moulin Rouge, the Last Unicorn, and maybe all of the disney movies.

Favorite card and why? Stray lambs! Lamb tokens buy time and are also fun and neat looking. ^^
Favorite Yugioh character (GX or otherwise)? the Bakuras!

Anything else we should know?: I forgot to return this dvd to Blockbuster. T_T That's ok, I'll watch it again I guess.

Please post at least three clear pictures of yourself, or a detailed description of yourself: I look like ME. @.@ Umm I am over 5 feet somewhere and also 104 pounds last I checked. I have black and long hair and brown eyes.

For claims, can I have Kisara, Mokuba, and Stray Lambs? ^^
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