Yami no Bakura

Feb 01, 2006 19:39


Name: Sarah Nicole Martin
Age (no one under 13, please): Exactly thirteen years of age (heh, I'm not under thirteen!)
Location: In my chair, thanks very much

Three adjectives to describe yourself: Weird, Talented, Funny
If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: Hmm...thats a toughie! I would most likely want to go to Greece. I would want to go to Greece because its really interesting and historical, and my dad grew up there, so I want to know what childhood was like for my father!
What do you (or did you) want to be when you grow up?: Hmmm...another toughie! I'm trying to decide right now at this time in my life, and I'm leaning towards and author. But, I might also want to be a English Teacher, Artists or Scientists. Yes, all very different and absurd jobs, but I'm just a little bit crazy like that.
Any random obsessions you don't mind sharing?: Yes! I have a major obsession with...dare I say it...chap stick! I can never stop putting it on, and when I do, my lips are covered in thick layers of it! Also, I have an obsession with drawing flowers. I don't know why, though.
What is the meaning/significance/derivation of your username?: The signifigance of my screename? Well, it is Angel_Cake7. The 'Angel' means, typically, that I'm an angel. It began as an inside joke because I'm far from an angel, but I've gotten attached to the screename, and therefore, use it everywhere. The cake goes for a couple of my best friends. One how's nickname is cake, and two whom absoloutely adore cake! And the 7 was just a random number that I picked because 13 was too long!

Favourite three books, why?: First off, there is Coraline. I didn't think I would like it, but once I started reading it, I couldn't stop. It's very mysterious and original, and I adore the author for writing such a marvelous thriller novel for me to read, although it wasn't just for me! Second is Stargirl. I loved Stargirl because it reflected upon me a lot. I'm very different from others, as Stargirl is, and have been through many of the same things she has. Third, there is the 'A Series of Unfrotuante Events' series books. I love these because they are just plain brilliance, and I love every single character and plot twist!
Favourite three movies, why?: Damn you. I have MANY more then three! Anyways, I'll start of with this: Lion King 1 and 2 (I'm grouping these into one). This movie is my favorite disney original picture, and I thought every single song and scene in it was beautiful. Second is 'GREASE'. Why? Its so classy, original and great! I just adore it! Third, Pirates of the Carribean. I love every character and its just a great movie to watch over and over and over again!

Favorite card and why? Hmm...probably the 'Dark Magician', 'Dark Magician Girl', or the 'Black Luster Soldier'. I'm just a sucker for anything with 'dark' or 'black' in its name!
Favorite Yugioh character (GX or otherwise)? Anzu from Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm not sure why, but shes just a very strong girl who is always willing to lend a helping hand! And shes not weak and pathetic like some other girl characters in the show.

Anything else we should know?: Hmmm...SPEGHETTI is my favorite food. MONKEYS are my favorite animals. SWEET TEA is my favorite drink. I HATE SODA! I HATE TACOS! I LOVE PEPPERONI PIZZA!

Please post at least three clear pictures of yourself, or a detailed description of yourself:

This is me, being my adorable little self! (Yes, I have a HUGE ego, if you haven't noticed by now)

...I think I may have been drunk in this picture O_o Just kidding. We were goofing off royaly.

I'm in the middle. Charlies Angels style! Oh yeah!

I think by now you can tell which one I am. I am, after all, the greatest of the three there!

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