I was just reading through my LJ post from last year on my birthday. There were so many many things that I have forgotten about since then, just a little over a year ago! I've been struggling internally about how little I've blogged over the last 6 months or so, and that made it even more acute. After reading that, I really have to commit to
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The stars were lovely tonight... you could see the Milky Way. I think that's one of the things I love most about living out in the country - the amazing clarity and beauty of the stars at night.
sometimes, it's really annoying that many of my friends around here have no responsibilities or family in the area. especially when it comes to scheduling.
To everyone I know: Do you happen to own the book "Last Child in the Woods: Saving our children from nature-deficit disorder." by Richard Louv? If you do; could I borrow it? See, I want it for the paper I'm working on and none of the libraries here abouts have it. I only need it for like, one quote (in a 5-6 page paper), and it's not really a big
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