1 assignment down!!
I swear, I was so lazy I just plucked the same random girl that is in my Featured Deviation, and gave her a tail in replace of her.....non-leg-ness.
And then being even more lazy, just changed the colour scheme for the second bit. OHMYGODWILLIPASS.
It's supposed to be a CD cover and label. My only fear now is that it won't fit on the actual CD - like, the hole will be all over the place or something. xD;
Ahhhh it's due, it's due! I don't know anymore! I still have about 5 other assignments all due at the same time!! *diesdiesdies*
This is what I have to say about darned assignments on a weekend :
Anyways, a few miscellanous stuffzors just for the heck of it.
^Quick kinda-sorta CG practise. I CAN'T COLOUR ABS! NOOOOO~!!! X____X I wonder if there's an ab-colouring tutorial somewhere....
^Another experimentation with the airbrushes. I know her lip is goldfish-esque. Don't.say.a.word. =P
Aaaaand that's it for today. Off to work on other (slightly more annoying) assignments. Have a good weekend!